
DTU Messages

Social Dining at DTU this thursday (Reminder)

Every month in the food court in building 101

We invite you to bring your friends and family and join our monthly Social Dining at DTU.


Come and share delicious food, good conversations and laughter.

Eat as much as you can for a fixed price of only 60,- kr.


17.00 to 19.00 The Food Court in B101 Eat


Remember to purchase your Social Dining tickets and see the current menu in the Eat@DTU app.



March 6th             Rice & Chicken - Thai and South Asian curries

April 3rd                KoJaChi - Street food from KOrea, JApan and 

May 8th                Wicked Rabbit - Tasteful vegetarian food

June 12th             Faculty Club - Classic modern food (price 120 kr.)