Webinar: Introduction to responsible conduct of research and research data management


08. apr 11:00 - 14:00


Online via Zoom




News from DTU Library

Webinar: Introduction to responsible conduct of research and research data management

- for new employees at DTU

Get introduced to DTU’s code of conduct for research integrity, responsible conduct of research and data management planning.

Target group
This online course/webinar is only for researchers who cannot attend the physical courses due to their work location outside Lyngby Campus - and it still requires active participation.

Introduction to responsible conduct of research is a mandatory course for all new employees at DTU working in relation to research. The course will introduce DTU’s code of conduct for research integrity and expectations to research data handling. The course provides new employees with important information about responsible conduct of research and data management and is also a good opportunity to discuss scientific dilemmas with fellow co-workers from DTU’s various research fields.

The webinar is based on presentations, discussions in plenum and practical exercises and will touch upon the following topics:

  • Research planning and conduct
  • Publications and communication
  • Authorship
  • Collaborative research and IPR
  • Conflicts of interest
  • How breaches of responsible conduct of research are handled
  • Research data management and the data management plan
  • The FAIR principles
  • Data publication.


DTU Lyngby Campus

Kasper Bøgh Pedersen, Jitka Stilund Hansen and Katrine Flindt Holmstrand, DTU Library

at the DTU Competence Development site