Study Announcements
Study announcement s1895: Key rule changes for the academic year 2024/2025
Effective September 1, 2024, revised academic regulations will be implemented at DTU. Below are the most significant rule changes. Each section includes a link to DTU Inside, where you can read about the specific rules.
If you have questions about how these changes affect you, please contact the Student Guidance. You can find DTU’s guidance services on DTU Inside here -
Extension of the maximum study time for the Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Engineering programmes
The current timeframe for completing the Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Engineering programmes is being extended. That means the rules for maximum study time will change, so the entire programme must be completed within the standard study time plus two years.
This change applies to all enrolled students in these programmes starting from the academic year 2024/2025. Students who have not yet completed their programme will therefore have an additional two semesters to finish their entire programme.
The rule change can be found on DTU Inside here - The change is also reflected in the programme specification.
Note that there are no changes to the rules for maximum study time for the Master of Science in Engineering programmes.
New mathematics course for Bachelor of Engineering students included in the first-year exam
For students admitted to the Bachelor of Engineering programmes starting in September 2024, the new mathematics course 01911 Mathematical Analysis and Modeling will be part of the first-year exam for programmes where the course is included in the study plan.
That means that by the end of the first academic year, the student must have passed a minimum of 30 ECTS credits to continue in the programme (first-year exam). These credits must be passed among the courses in the first academic year (1st and 2nd semesters) listed in the student’s curriculum. Course 01911 Mathematical Analysis and Modeling must be included in the 30 ECTS credits passed.
Course 01911 Mathematical Analysis and Modeling will be offered for the first time in January 2025.
The rule change can be found on DTU Inside here - The change is also reflected in the programme specification.
New leave of absence rules
- New option for leave of absence
Starting in the academic year 2024/2025, students can take a leave of absence from their programme once for up to one semester without providing a reason. That is a relaxation of the previous rules, where leave of absence could only be granted if there were special circumstances as justification.
However, the following conditions must be met for this type of leave to be granted: - Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Engineering students must have completed 60 ECTS credits of their programme.
- Master of Science in Engineering students must have completed 30 ECTS credits of their programme.
Additionally, it should be noted that the deadlines for maximum study time and the first-year exam are not extended when leave of absence is granted without special justification.
- Examination participation not allowed during leave of absence
It has also been decided that participation in exams during a leave period is no longer permitted. That applies to all types of registered leave. Students can register for exams during a registered leave, but the exam date must take place after the leave period has ended.
The rule changes can be found on DTU Inside here -
Granting of special conditions for oral exams transferred to AUS
From September 1, if the SPS Unit at AUS has granted special conditions for written exams, the student will also be granted special conditions for oral exams. However, the assessment of the specific conditions necessary to ensure equal treatment with other students in oral exams must still be agreed upon between the student and the course responsible.
The rule change can be found on DTU Inside here:
Registration as ‘Sick’ for an exam is not considered a used attempt
The rules regarding mandatory courses have been clarified to state that registration as 'sick' for the first exam attempt does not bind students to the course, as illness during the exam does not count as a used exam attempt. However, students must still ensure they follow the study plan outlined in the programme specification.
The rule change can be found on the following two pages on DTU Inside:
Start date for Master’s Thesis
The rules no longer specify that the start date for the master’s thesis must be the first working day after the student’s last academic activity. However, it is still stated in the rules that the master’s thesis must begin immediately after the last academic activity.
The rule change can be found on DTU Inside here: The change is also reflected in the programme specification.
Notification of change in course descriptions: 'academic prerequisites'
For the 2024/2025 academic year, a change has been made to the 'academic prerequisites' field in the DTU Course Base.
The field, previously titled 'recommended academic prerequisites,' has been renamed to 'academic prerequisites.' The rules have been clarified to state that although students may enroll in courses without having passed the listed prerequisites, these prerequisite courses form the foundation for teaching, and students are expected to possess this background knowledge.
The description can be found on DTU Inside here:
Notice: new rules on transitional semester for master’s programmes - effective in the academic year 2025/2026
DTU has identified that the current rules on the transitional semester are too lenient and therefore need to be changed in the next academic year. Under the current rules, students who have up to 55 ECTS credits remaining in their Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Science in Engineering programmes at DTU can apply to take master’s courses, provided they meet the admission requirements and academic prerequisites for the respective master’s programme.
In 2025/2026, the ECTS requirement will be adjusted so that only students with up to 25 ECTS credits remaining in their Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Science in Engineering programs at DTU can apply to take master’s courses. DTU is announcing the change now to give students time to plan their studies before the changes take effect.
Please note that the changes have not yet come into effect. However, the current rules for the 2024/2025 academic year can be found on DTU Inside here: