Study plan

Basic Natural Science Courses
The mandatory Basic Natural Sciences Courses are:
01006 | Advanced Engineering Mathematics 1 | 20 | point | Autumn and Spring |
or | ||||
01003 + 1004 (both) | 10+10 | |||
01034 | Advanced Engineering Mathematics 2 | 5 | point | Autumn E1A (Mon 8-12) |
10018 | Physics 1 | 10 | point | Autumn E4A (Tues 13-17) and Spring F4A (Tues 13-17) |
26020 | Chemistry (Polytechnical Foundation) | 5 | point | Autumn E1A (Mon 8-12) |
27020 | Bioengineering (Polytechnical Foundation) | 5 | point | Autumn E2A (Mon 13-17) and Spring F2A (Mon 13-17) |
01006 has been terminated and replaced by 01003 and 01004.
10018 has been terminated and replaced by 10063.
The course 26030 has been replaced by 26020.
Technological Specialization Courses
It is mandatory to choose two of the four following courses:
02135 | Introduction to Cyber Systems | 5 | point | Spring F2A (Mon 13-17) |
12701 | Introduction to Living systems | 5 | point | Autumn E1B (Thurs 13-17) |
41680 | Introduction to advanced materials | 5 | point | Spring F2B (Thurs 8-12) |
47202 | Introduction to future energy | 5 | point | Autumn E4A (Tues 13-17) |
The Bachelor programme splits into four specializations: Living Systems, Cyber Systems, Advanced Materials and Future Energy. In order to ease the access to MSc-programmes it is strongly recommended that the student chooses a specialization. Care must still be taken to combine a study plan with the right prerequistites for a specific MSc-programme.
Living Systems - Technological Specialization Courses
02402 | Statistics (Polytechnical Foundation) | 5 | point | Autumn E3A (Tues 8-12), Spring F4A (Tues 13-17) |
25106 | Introduction to genetic methods in engineering | 5 | point | Autumn E5B (Wed 13-17) |
27022 | Biochemistry | 5 | point | Spring F4B (Fri 8-12) |
27027 | Experimental molecular microbiology | 5 | point | Autumn E1B (Thurs 13-17) and Autumn E3B (Fri 13-17) |
The course 27024 has been replaced by 27027.
Choose 15 ECTS among the courses below (pay attention to which courses you need for qualifying for a specific MSc-program):
22111 | Introduction to Bioinformatics | 5 | point | Autumn E4A (Tues 13-17) |
25105 | Ecology | 5 | point | Spring F3A (Tues 8-12) |
25107 | Fisheries and aquaculture | 5 | point | Spring F5B (Wed 13-17) |
25108 | Applied molecular techniques | 5 | point | Autumn E2A (Mon 13-17) |
26211 | Biophysics and biophysical chemistry | 5 | point | Spring F4B (Fri 8-12) |
27026 | Molecular biology | 5 | point | Autumn E2A (Mon 13-17) |
27034 | Fermentation technology | 5 | point | Spring F5A (Wed 8-12) |
28025 | Bio Process Technology | 5 | point | Spring F3A (Tues 8-12) |
For qualifying for a particular DTU MSc programme, please, consult the Head of Studies of that MSc-programme.
Cyber Systems - Technological Specialization Courses
01019 | Discrete Mathematics | 5 | point | Autumn E2B (Thurs 8-12) |
02105 | Algorithms and Data Structures 1 | 5 | point | Spring F2B (Thurs 8-12) |
02141 | Computer Science Modelling | 10 | point | Spring F3A (Tues 8-12) and Spring F4B (Fri 8-12) |
02157 | Functional Programming | 5 | point | Autumn E4B (Fri 8-12) |
02160 | Agile Object-oriented Software Development | 10 | point | Spring F5 (Wed 8-17) |
Advanced Materials - Technological Specialization Courses
02601 | Introduction to Numerical Algorithms | 5 | point | Spring F1B (Thurs 13-17), Autumn E4B (Fri 8-12) |
10041 | Physics 2 - General Engineering | 5 | point | Autumn E5B (Wed 13-17) |
or | ||||
10080 | Physics for materials and energy | 5 | point | Spring F3B (Fri 13-17) |
12139 | Resource Engineering | 5 | point | Autumn E2B (Thurs 8-12) |
41684 | Materials technology | 5 | point | Spring F2B (Thurs 8-12) |
41685 | Materials characterization and testing | 5 | point | Spring F1B (Thurs 13-17) |
10041 Physics 2 - General Engineering has been offered for the last time Autumn 2023. Students who have not passed this course must take 10080 Physiscs for materials and energy instead
Please, note that in the autumn 2023, 12139 is cancelled, and the course 62202 Life Cycle Assessment will be was the replacement course for autumn 2023 only.
Choose 10 ECTS among those courses:
02526 | Mathematical Modeling | 5 | point | Spring F3A (Tues 8-12) |
02580 | Geometric Data Analysis and Processing | 5 | point | Spring F5B (Wed 13-17) |
41789 | Introduction to 3D printing: processes and theory | 5 | point | Spring F5A (Wed 8-12) |
47212 | Computer simulation of materials | 5 | point | Autumn E1B (Thurs 13-17) |
For qualifying for a particular DTU MSc programme, please, consult the Head of Studies of that MSc-programme.
Future Energy - Technological Specialization Courses
02601 | Introduction to Numerical Algorithms | 5 | point | Spring F1B (Thurs 13-17), Autumn E4B (Fri 8-12) |
10041 | Physics 2 - General Engineering | 5 | point | Autumn E5B (Wed 13-17) |
or | ||||
10080 | Physics for materials and energy | 5 | point | Spring F3B (Fri 13-17) |
46055 | General electrical engineering | 5 | point | Spring F1B (Thurs 13-17) |
47201 | Engineering thermodynamics | 5 | point | Spring F4B (Fri 8-12) |
10041 Physics 2 - General Engineering has been offered for the last time Autumn 2023. Students who have not passed this course must take 10080 Physiscs for materials and energy instead
Choose 15 ECTS among those courses:
10260 | Physics of solar energy and energy storage | 5 | point | Spring F2B (Thurs 8-12) |
12205 | Climate change – impacts, mitigation and adaptation | 5 | point | Spring F4A (Tues 13-17) |
46000 | Introduction to Wind Energy | 5 | point | Spring F3A (Tues 8-12) |
46040 | Introduction to energy analytics | 5 | point | Spring F5B (Wed 13-17) |
47205 | Electrochemical energy technologies | 5 | point | Spring F5A (Wed 8-12) |
47211 | Electrochemical energy storage and Power2X | 5 | point | Autumn E2B (Thurs 8-12) |
For qualifying for a particular DTU MSc programme, please, consult the Head of Studies of that MSc-programme.
Projects and general subjects
All the courses in this course block are mandatory, and the course block includes the general engineering subjects as well as the study programme’s Design-Build courses. The Head of Studies suggests that students complete the programme with the BSc project in the sixth semester. The BSc project can be 15, 17.5 or 20 points.
02003 | Computer Programming (Polytechnical Foundation) | 5 | point | Autumn E4B (Fri 8-12) |
10240 | Design-Build 2: Rational catalyst design for General Engineering | 5 | point | June |
22400 | Design-build 4: Autonomous devices for controlling and studying living systems | 5 | point | June |
27016 | Design-Build 1: Devices for measuring cell growth | 5 | point | January |
42620 | Science, Technology and Society (Polytechnical Foundation) | 5 | point | January, June |
47203 | Design-Build 3: solar cooker | 5 | point | January |
- | Bachelor project | 15-20 point |
42610 and 42611 have been replaced by 42620 or 42622 .
02631/02632/02633 have been replaced by 02003.
In this course block, students must choose 45 ECTS points from available BSc level courses (including maximum 10 ECTS BEng courses), provided by DTU. Students can choose to take the courses that fall within the scope of the recommended courses of study. Furthermore students are also free to follow courses in advanced mathematics, physics, and chemistry or they can choose more general courses in, for example, management and finance. Finally, students can use the electives to change educational focus, so that they qualify for MSc programmes for which the original BSc programme does not immediately provide access.
Bachelor's students may have up to 10 ECTS credits at the diploma engineering (BEng) level as part of the optional courses in their bachelor's program.
Depending on what MSc programme you are aiming at there are lists of recommended elective courses. Please, consult with either your Head of Studies or the Head of Studies for the relevant MSc programme.
It is highly recommended to choose the following course as elective:
02402 | Statistics (Polytechnical Foundation) | 5 | point | Autumn E3A (Tues 8-12), Spring F4A (Tues 13-17) |
For the specialization Living Systems, the following course is recommended:
25208 | Sustainability Solutions | 5 | point | June |
For the specialization Advanced Materials, the following courses are recommended:
10104 | Introduction to Quantum Mechanics | 5 | point | Spring F1A (Mon 8-12) |
10317 | Condensed Matter Physics | 5 | point | Autumn E4A (Tues 13-17), Spring F4A (Tues 13-17) |
34020 | Optics and photonics | 5 | point | Spring F1B (Thurs 13-17) |
For the specialization Future Energy, the following courses are recommended:
10317 | Condensed Matter Physics | 5 | point | Autumn E4A (Tues 13-17), Spring F4A (Tues 13-17) |
34020 | Optics and photonics | 5 | point | Spring F1B (Thurs 13-17) |