Requirements and deadlines for Bachelor of Science in Engineering

Study activity requirements and programme deadlines

Programme deadlines
Students must meet the study activity requirements and deadlines set out below. If students do not meet the requirements, the student can only continue the study programme if they apply for and are granted an exemption.

Commencement of Studies Exam
BSc Eng students must pass a commencement of studies exam in order to continue on the programme. The purpose of the commencement of studies exam is to ascertain whether students have actually commenced their studies and to teach the student how to plan their studies and learn about DTU's code of honour. The exam is assessed by internal examiners and is assessed as ‘Approved’ or ‘Not approved’. Students have two attempts to pass the commencement of studies exam.

The commencement of studies exam consists of four parts:

  1. The student must complete an evaluation of their study start experience.
  2. The student must watch a short video and do a quiz on exam cheating and plagiarizing.
  3. The student must actively, via MitID, accept DTU's Code of Honour for students. The code summarizes the principles of good scientific and ethical conduct/practice at DTU. Find more information at DTU Inside under 'DTU's Code of Honour' under 'Structure and rules'.
  4. The student must complete and submit an individual study plan which meets the criteria in the curriculum.

Information about the commencement of studies exam is sent to the students’ student email address two weeks after study start and must be confirmed no later than five weeks after the commencement of studies. The second exam attempt takes place immediately thereafter. Failure to observe the commencement of studies exam within the deadline will result in the student being withdrawn from the study programme.

First-year Exam
Before the end of the first year of study after study start, students must have obtained a minimum of 30 ECTS credits in order to retain the right to continue their study programme (first-year exam). The first-year exam is passed when students have obtained 30 ECTS credits within the mandatory course blocks; elective courses do not count toward the first-year exam. It is of no importance in this context how many exam attempts the student has used in the courses taken during the first year of study

If the student has received credit transfer courses that are included in the first-year exam, the student must only pass the remaining ECTS credits that are missing in order to have passed the first-year exam.

Study Activity Requirement of 5 ECTS Credit 
Students must have passed at least 5 ECTS credits in a continuous period of one year, calculated in two full semesters, to comply with DTU's 5-point study activity requirement. It is of no importance in this context how many exam attempts the student has used.

Maximum Duration of Study
The BSc in Engineering programme is a three-year programme. The entire BSc course of study must be completed no later than 5 years after admission.

The maximum period of study is written down by one semester for every 30 ECTS credits the student receives as a pre-commencement credit transfer.

Requirements for completing the BSc programme - enrolled before September 2023
Students must meet the following requirements in order to complete the programme:

  • Students must pass courses corresponding to 45 ECTS credits within the basic natural science courses.
  • Students must pass courses corresponding to 45 ECTS credits within the technology core courses.
  • Students must pass courses and projects corresponding to 45 ECTS credits within projects and professional skills courses, including a BSc project of 15, 17.5, or 20 ECTS credits.
  • Students must also pass additional courses and/or projects to obtain a total of 180 ECTS credits.

Requirements for completing the BSc programme - enrolled after September 2023

  • Students must pass courses equivalent to 55 ECTS credits within the polytechnic foundation.
  • Students must pass courses equivalent to 55 ECTS credits within the programme-specific courses.
  • Students must pass 25 ECTS credits within the course group "projects", including a bachelor's project of 15, 17.5, or 20 ECTS credits.
  • The student must also pass additional courses and/or projects to obtain a total of 180 ECTS credits.

Completion Guidelines for Late Students
If students exceed the prescribed period of study by 6-12 months, they will be offered special guidance in the form of an information meeting. If students are more than 12 months late, they will be offered a personal guidance interview with a study counsellor.

SU  (State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme)
Students must be aware that the above requirements and deadlines are DTU's study rules. Other requirements and deadlines apply to SU. Read more at DTU Inside under 'Study rules'/'SU'. Questions regarding SU must always be directed to the SU office.