Green Challenge (Grøn Dyst)

Green Challenge (Grøn Dyst) is a student conference where DTU students present their green projects to people from the business world. The aim is to ensure that future engineers can integrate aspects of social, economic and environmental sustainability and innovation into their work.

Sustainability and climate change are issues that are high on the global agenda. Engineers play a vital role in a sustainable society. Engineers from DTU can and must continue to contribute to developing technological solutions designed to meet global challenges. DTU has therefore introduced Green Challenge.

Green Challenge is an educational initiative focusing on sustainability, climate technology, and the environment in all DTU's education. The goal is to integrate the green aspect into the existing courses. Every year the work culminates in a Green Challenge study conference, where all DTU students have the opportunity to present projects carried out as part of a course and, at the same time, compete for prizes.

Green Challenge is, therefore, also a unique chance for students to distinguish themselves academically. The study conference showcases student projects and is thus an exclusive opportunity to showcase exciting projects to fellow students, faculty, alums, business people, and politicians who are invited to attend the conference.

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