Alphabetical overview of upcoming scholarships


To be considered, candidates must be Icelandic citizens studying at an institution of higher education in Denmark. 

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students
  • MSc students

Application form: The application form can be downloaded from the 'Scholarship' overview when the scholarship has been announced.

Support for further studies or specialisation abroad. The amount must be used to (partially) pay for travel and living expenses, necessary literature, tuition fees, etc. Upon return, the foundation expects to receive a written report on the study trip abroad and what you gained from it (approx. one A4 page). 

Scholarship amount: Variable

Study programme: Civil Engineering students and Civil Engineering MSc graduates from DTU may apply.

Application form: Can be downloaded from the 'Scholarship' overview when the scholarship has been announced

The application form can be submitted in the scholarship mailbox at the International Student Guidance Office, Lyngby Campus, Building 101A. The application form can also be emailed to or sent to:

Technical University of Denmark
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
Building 101A
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
marked 'Arkil Legatet'

Information about the Arkil company:


Electrical engineering students at DTU who started the study programme at a late age, and support for scientific studies in connection with work for the Danish Cancer Society. 

Scholarship amount: Variable

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students
  • MSc students

The scholarship is offered under the auspices of DTU.

Application form: The application form can be downloaded from the 'Scholarship' overview when the scholarship has been announced.
The scholarship is applied for as a DTU-legat.

The application form can be submitted in the scholarship mailbox at the International Student Guidance Office, Lyngby Campus, Building 101A. The application form can also be emailed to


Scholarships for studies in the USA for Danish citizens. 

Scholarship amount: Variable

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students
  • MSc students

Application form:

Can be downloaded from the foundation's website: 

Denmark-America Foundation & Fulbright Commission
Fiolstræde 24, 3. sal
DK-1171 Copenhagen K

Tel. +45 3312 8223 / Email:

The foundation offers support for study trips, particularly abroad.

We recommend you follow the foundation's instructions (see also important information under the foundation's aim on the foundation's website).

Please note that no funding is given to students at bachelor level or doing internships. To receive funding, you must spend at least 9 months or 2 semesters abroad.

Application deadline: The foundation continuously receives and processes applications. 

Application form: The application form can be downloaded from the 'Scholarship' overview.

To help low-income students study abroad (awarded every three years, next time in 2019). 

Scholarship amount: Variable 

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students 
  • MSc students
  • 2-year international MSc students 

Application form: The application can be downloaded from the 'Scholarship' overview when the scholarship has been announced.

The application form can be submitted in the scholarship mailbox at the International Student Guidance Office, Lyngby Campus, Building 101A. The application form can also be emailed to


To support of the founder's grandchildren and DTU students and graduates. 

Scholarship amount: Variable

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students 
  • MSc students

Application form: The application form can be downloaded from the 'Scholarship' overview when the scholarship has been announced.

The scholarship is applied for as a DTU-legat.

The application form can be submitted in the scholarship mailbox at the International Study Guidance Office, Lyngby Campus, Building 101A. The application form can also be emailed to

The aim of the foundation is to improve conditions and academic development opportunities among students. Funding is granted for study-related projects, including study trips abroad. Funding can also be granted to students with special economic needs, such as single mothers. Applications will be evaluated with a special emphasis on the students' theoretical skills.

Funding will only be grated to applicants who have completed their first year of study.
Scholarship amount: Variable

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students
  • MSc students

Application form: The application form can be obtained from Charlotte Plougmann,, when the scholarship has been announced

Application forms should be sent to:

Advokatfirmaet Gorissen Federspiel Kierkegaard
Silkeborgvej 2
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Att.: Advokat Lars Grøngaard


To support talented DTU students. 

Scholarship amount: Variable 

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students 
  • MSc students
  • 2-year international MSc students 

Application form: The application form can be downloaded from the 'Scholarship' overview when the scholarship has been announced.

The scholarship is applied for as a DTU-legat.

The scholarship is offered under the auspices of DTU.

The application form can be submitted in the scholarship mailbox at the International Study Guidance Office, Lyngby Campus, Building 101A. The application form can also be emailed to

Scholarship for DTU students and graduates. 

Scholarship amount: Variable 

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students 
  • MSc students

Application form: The application form can be downloaded from the 'Scholarship' overview when the scholarship has been announced

Application forms should be sent to:

Advokatfirmaet Eivind Gormsen ApS.
Centrumgade 8, Postboks 47
DK-2750 Ballerup

To support talented DTU students of limited means, who have shown diligence and skill during their first year of study, and for whom receiving the grant will facilitate study abroad.

Scholarship amount: Variable

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students
  • MSc students
  • 2-year international MSc students

Application form: The application form can be downloaded from the 'Scholarship' overview when the scholarship has been announced.

The scholarship is applied for as a DTU-legat.

The application form can be submitted in the scholarship mailbox at the International Study Guidance Office, Lyngby Campus, Building 101A. The application form can also be emailed to


Support for business-related further education/study abroad, favouring applicants with links to Gundsø Municipality (resident, born, raised, or employed in a company there, etc.) 

Scholarship amount: Variable 

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students 
  • MSc students

Application form: No

The application should contain the following:

  • Personal data
  • Education
  • Host company or place of study
  • Documentation for established study abroad
  • Period of your stay
  • References for the educational institution.
  • Purpose of the stay
  • Expected results of the stay
  • Budget with documentation for scholarship need

Send your application to:
Gundsø Rotary Club
Att.: President Ole Bülow
Vester Kirkevej 2A, 2. th. Himmelev
DK-4000 Roskilde


To support students who have studied at Haderslev Katedralskole 

Scholarship amount: Variable 

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students 
  • MSc students

Application form: The application form can be downloaded from the 'Scholarship' overview when the scholarship has been announced. 

Application forms should be sent to:
Ruth Funder, Rector
Haderslev Katedralskole
Christiansfeldvej 31
DK-6100 Haderslev 

Project students at the following DTU departments:

  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Chemical Engineering
  • BioCentrum DTU

Scholarship amount: Variable 

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students 
  • MSc students

Application form: The application form can be downloaded from the 'Scholarship' overview when the scholarship has been announced

The scholarship is applied for as a DTU scholarship.

The application form can be submitted in the scholarship mailbox at the International Study Guidance Office, Lyngby Campus, Building 101A. The application form can also be emailed to

The foundation primarily supports engineering and other technical studies. 

Scholarship amount: Variable

Study programme

  • MSc students

Deadlines for application: 15/2, 15/5, 15/8 and 15/11

Application form: The application form can be downloaded from when the scholarship has been announced.

Application forms should be sent to:
Henry & Mary Skovs Foundation
c/o Advokat Niels Gade
Nyhavn 6
DK-1051 Copenhagen K

To support talented students of limited means from the Hjørring Gymnasium and HF course, during their long-term higher education (MSc) programmes. 

Scholarship amount: Variable 

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students 
  • MSc students

Application form: The application form can be downloaded from

Application forms should be sent to:
Hjørring Gymnasium's Foundation
Skolevangen 23
Postboks 219
DK-9800 Hjørring 


For male Danish students who expect to complete their final MSc Eng examination within two years. 

Scholarship amount: Variable

Study programme

  • MSc students

Application form: No

Three copies of the application, including civil registration (CPR) no., home address, exam results, budget and any references/recommendations, should be sent to:

Julie Damms studiefond
Att.: Marie-Louise Andreasen
Prins Jørgens Gård 13
DK-1218 Copenhagen K



Support for talented and enterprising enrolling students who want to supplement their domestic education with further studies abroad.

Scholarship amount: Variable

Study programme

  • MSc students

Application form: The application form can be downloaded from


Funding support for diligent, proficient and talented young male Danish citizens in need of financial support. The scholarship may not be used for study abroad. Other scholarship support and SU must not be received during the scholarship period.

Scholarship amount: Around DKK 90,000 annually, in quarterly instalments. 

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students 
  • MSc students

Application deadline: 31/3 and 30/9

Application form: The application form can be downloaded from
Application forms should be sent to: 
Peter & Emma Thomsen's Scholarship,
Vester Farimagsgade 6, 4.
DK-1606 Copenhagen V


To support further education and development for young students at DTU with limited means, among others.

The foundation's practice is to award the majority of its support to long-term study programmes abroad.

Scholarship amount: Variable 

Study programme

  • Bachelor students
  • BEng students 
  • MSc students

Application deadline: 1/8 – 15/9

Application form: Use the electronic application form, which can be downloaded from Search under 'Medlemsfordele' and then 'Fonde'. 


The scholarship is to be used in connection with study abroad that is relevant to your further studies. Talented, full-time MSc Students at DTU may apply for the scholarship. The application should contain a detailed explanation of how the study abroad is relevant to your further studies.

Attach the following to your application:

  • most recent grades
  • latest tax assessment notice from the tax authorities
  • the budget for the trip

Scholarship amount: Variable

Study programme

  • MSc students.
    NB! Please note that you must be a student at MSc level in order to apply for the scholarship.

Application form: Can be downloaded from the 'Scholarship' overview when the scholarship has been announced

The application form can be submitted in the scholarship mailbox at the International Student Guidance Office, Lyngby Campus, Building 101A. The application form can also be emailed to or sent to:

Technical University of Denmark
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
Building 101A
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby


Students and graduates from DTU may apply for the scholarship.

The applicant must be a Danish citizen and be engaged in or have completed a successful study programme at DTU. Their average grade must be at least 9.2 (7-point marking scale) or 9.5 (13-point marking scale).

The scholarship is awarded for two purposes:

  1. Funding for tuition fees, travel and accommodation in connection with 6-12 months' study abroad at a highly respected university
  2. Support to complete an entire PhD, MSc or MBA study programme abroad.

Scholarship amount: Variable

Study programme

  • MSc students

Application form: The application form can be downloaded from the 'Scholarship' overview when the scholarship has been announced. The scholarship can only be applied for via DTU.

The application form can be submitted in the scholarship mailbox at the International Student Guidance Office, Lyngby Campus, Building 101A. The application form can also be emailed to or sent to:

Technical University of Denmark
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
Building 101A
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Att.: Jette Krøyer