Arkil Legatet
Support for further studies or specialisation abroad. The amount must be used to (partially) pay for travel and living expenses, necessary literature, tuition fees, etc. Upon return, the foundation expects to receive a written report on the study trip abroad and what you gained from it (approx. one A4 page).
Scholarship amount: Variable
Study programme: Civil Engineering students and Civil Engineering MSc graduates from DTU may apply.
Application form: Can be downloaded from the
'Scholarship' overview when the scholarship has been announced
The application form can be submitted in the scholarship mailbox at the International Student Guidance Office, Lyngby Campus, Building 101A. The application form can also be emailed to or sent to:
Technical University of Denmark
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
Building 101A
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
marked 'Arkil Legatet'
Information about the Arkil company: