Master of Wind Energy - programme specification

Master of Wind Energy

Master of Wind Energy

About the programme specification

The Master of Wind Energy is included in the General Programme Specification which applies to all participants, enrolled on September 1st or later. 

Since the Master of Wind Energy opened for participants in September 2017, this programme specification applies to all participants. 


The part-time master’s programme is offered in accordance with the rules on part-time study programmes. The study programme is a programme equivalent to 60 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System), corresponding to one year of full-time studies. The work load is typically spread over two years of part-time studies. Enrollment in the program can last up to six years.

General admission requirements

Admission to a master’s programme is subject to the applicant having completed at least:

• A relevant bachelor programme

• A relevant professional bachelor’s programme

• A relevant medium-cycle higher education study programme

• A relevant diploma programme completed as a regulated course of study

• A relevant foreign study programme at the same level

The curriculum for each part-time master’s programme specifies the specific bachelor programmes that give applicants direct admission to the study programme.

In accordance with the admission requirements for the part-time master’s programme, applicants must - in addition to a qualifying degree - have minimum two years of relevant work experience after having taken the qualifying degree. The curriculum for each part-time master’s programme specifies the requirements made for the applicant’s work experience.

Programme specific admission requirements

Admission to the Wind Energy Master programme requires a B.Sc. or B.Eng. degree or higher and at least, two years of relevant working experience.

The relevant working experience could be – but is not necessarily restricted to - employment in:

  • The wind energy industry
  • Oil and gas companies
  • Shipping companies
  • Companies performing environmental assessment
  • Public agencies with responsibilities related to engineering and natural sciences.

Since the programme is taught in English, you must have proficient English skills.

The programme is taught online, so a stable and reliable internet connection is necessary.

Recommended prerequisites
In addition to the admission requirements above, we strongly recommend that you have mathematics and programming skills equivalent to B.Sc. or B.Eng. level or higher.

General Learning Objectives for the part time programs

The part-time master’s programme is a research-based higher education study programme on a level with a master’s programme. The master’s degree is obtained within the continuing education system where the student in question - based on his or her work experience and previous educational level - is offered continuing education in a specialized area or a broader perspective on an academic area or a multidisciplinary area. A part-time master’s programme constitutes an independent complete study programme.

A part-time master’s programme provides students with knowledge, skills, and competences qualifying them to hold highly qualified functions in private and public sectors, and in the consultancy industry. A part-time master’s programme generally ensures that the student is able to apply the academic and scientific methods and concepts of the field of study in question in connection with:

• Assessment and solution of theoretical and practical problems

• Communication of academic problems and proposed solutions to peers and non-specialists

• Management and development of complex work situations

• Independent establishment of academic and interdisciplinary collaboration

• Own academic development

The objectives of the part-time master’s programme are further defined in the curriculum for each individual part-time master’s programme.

Specific Learning Objectives for the part time programme

Upon completion of the programme, participants should be able to:


  • Gain comprehensive knowledge of onshore and offshore wind energy systems, including turbine and farm design, wind resources, grid integration, and hybrid power plants.
  • Develop a deep insight into materials and components used in wind turbines, considering structural integrity, durability, and performance under varying environmental conditions.
  • Understand on the elements of the planning process for the development of onshore and offshore wind farms including environmental issues and mitigation measures.
  • Understand the international standards and regulatory frameworks related to wind energy, including safety standards, environmental regulations, and grid connection requirements.


  • Ability to use simulation tools to design wind turbines and wind farms, including proficiency in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Wind Resource and Site Assessment for Wind Farm Design, and aeroelastic tool for Wind Turbines.
  • Experience in handling wind measurement datasets and calculating the annual energy production for wind farms.
  • Compute the levelized cost of onshore and offshore wind energy.


  • Evaluate the uncertainties of results predicted by simulation tools for wind turbine and farm design, considering factors such as model fidelity, input parameters, and other conditions.
  • Assess the limitations and consequences of using simplified models in wind energy, including trade-offs between accuracy and computational efficiency.
  • Evaluate the impact of wind power plants on power quality, considering factors such as grid stability, electrical network integration, and community acceptance.
  • Can combine methods and theories from wind turbine materials, wind turbine design to wind farm planning and energy systems to solve a specific wind energy-related problem.

Programme specific competence profile


The 60 ECTS credits prescribed for the part-time master’s programme are distributed as follows:

• A number of mandatory modules equivalent to at least 45 ECTS credits which form the constituent elements of the identity and competence profile for the programme

• A concluding master’s project/final project equivalent to 15 ECTS credits which - within a subject approved by the University - document that the level required for the programme has been achieved.


46W11 Wind Turbine Technology 5 point Autumn
46W14 Wind Resources 5 point Autumn
46W17 Materials for Wind Energy 5 point Autumn
46W21 Wind Energy in Society 5 point Spring
46W24 Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity 5 point Spring
46W27 Grid Connection and Integration of Wind Power 5 point Spring
46W31 Numerical Tools in Wind Energy 5 point Autumn
46W34 Offshore Wind Energy - Design of substructures 5 point Autumn
46W37 Measurement Techniques in Wind Energy 5 point Autumn
46W44 Offshore wind farm planning 5 point Spring
46W47 Hybrid power plants 5 point Spring

Curriculum, previous admission years

Master thesis

The master’s project/final project is the concluding project on a part-time master’s programme/a flexible master. The objective is to give the student an opportunity to apply the knowledge and competences acquired in an independent manner in a large-scale work. The project must have a coherent and well-structured presentation in a good language in which a clearly formulated problem is answered through the application of theory and an explicit method. The contents may reflect the student’s practically acquired knowledge.

The master’s project must be approved by the head of studies to ensure that it falls within the programme focus area. In connection with a flexible master, the project subject is approved by the chairman of the department board of studies as part of the approval of the individual education plan.

The project must include a summary. The summary must be in English - unless another foreign language has been agreed with the supervisor - and the summary is included in the overall assessment.


Project agreement and scope

The student must agree the subject for the project with his or her supervisor (flexible master’s programme) or head of studies (regulated master’s programme). The supervisor (flexible master’s programme) or head of studies (regulated master’s programme) must regularly monitor the development of the work and ensure that the project falls within the academic field of the study programme.

The project must be equivalent to 15 ECTS credits. The project period is agreed with the supervisor (flexible master’s programme) or head of studies (regulated master’s programme), taking into account any holiday. For the project in the flexible master’s programme, the project supervisor may differ from the ordinary supervisor.

See also the curriculums under the individual part-time master’s programmes.


Assessment etc.

Learning objectives for the project form part of the supervision. The project is assessed according to the 7-point grading scale by an external examiner on the basis of a report and an oral defence. The project and the oral exam will be assessed as a whole If two students have prepared projects on a joint subject, they must be given an individual oral exam.

Head of study

Alan Wai Hou Lio

Rules for teaching

The Wind Energy Master courses are structured into weekly modules with a variety of learning activities such as viewing short video lectures, readings, quizzes, calculation exercises, compilation of reports, and virtual poster presentations. There will be weekly deadlines, which you must fulfill in order to pass the courses.

Within each course week, you can plan your working effort as you wish and study anywhere you want. This gives you a high degree of flexibility. We will organize a number of live online sessions as part of each course. Some sessions are optional and others are mandatory but we highly recommend that you participate since it will add greatly to the community and to your connection with both fellow participants and the teachers. 

Read more about the available courses on the program web site and watch the introduction videos for a glimpse of the teachers on the programme and the subjects they will cover. 

Exam rules

Each course/study element is concluded with an assessment. General rules on forms of assessment, pass requirements, part exams, etc. are laid down in the - Rules and regulations, chapter 3 ‘Exam rules’. The course description contains:

• Exam form, including any part exams during the course

• Forms of assessment, including exams with internal examiner or external examiner, 7-point grading scale, or ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’

The assessment ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’ can only be used for exams accounting for up to one third of the ECTS credits for the study programme. 

Credit transfers and exemptions

Credit transfers

It is not possible to transfer ECTS points obtained at other educations to the Wind Energy Master Programme.



If, for example, a student fails to meet the deadlines specified in the programme specification or fail in the third exam attempt on a mandatory course, the student in question may only continue his or her studies if an exemption is granted. DTU’s credit transfer and exemption committee may grant an exemption from the programme specification rules, including curriculum, course descriptions, and DTU’s rules and regulations, provided that the exemption is not contrary to the ministerial orders of the Danish Ministry of Education.

An application for exemption must be submitted electronically via the exemption database: The Office for Study Programmes and Student Affairs will obtain a recommendation from the Head of Studies for the study programme for each application.

Head of studies

Alan Wai Hou Lio

Alan Wai Hou Lio Associate Professor Department of Wind and Energy Systems Mobile: +4593513550