Guest students

Guest Students

BEng, BSc, or MSc students from another institution of higher education 
Students can take courses as guest students at DTU if they are enrolled as full-time students in another higher education programme. To be enrolled as a guest student, the student’s educational institution must pre-approve that the student can transfer the DTU courses to the programme on which the student is currently enrolled.

For guest students from other Danish universities, DTU must receive the pre-approval no later than 14 days before the semester starts.

DTU’s courses can be found on DTU’s website at

The following special rules apply to guest students:

Admission requirements
Guest students must comply with the general admission requirements for the engineering programmes. If a Danish guest student does not meet the general admission requirements, it is up to the lecturer of the course to decide if the Danish guest student can be given permission to attend the course. Students with a foreign exam do not have to pass a Danish language test to be admitted. Instead, students must assess whether they have the necessary Danish/English language skills to participate in the teaching. The lecturers, however, may expel students from a course if they constitute an obstacle to the teaching due to a lack of academic or linguistic knowledge.

Registration for courses
Guest students from another Danish institution of higher education register for courses electronically on DTU’s website, where you can also see the deadlines for registration.

Guest students from non-Danish Universities (exchange students) must register for courses according to the same deadlines for course registration as DTU's full-degree students. Foreign guest students are only admitted through exchange agreements, and course registration is done via the Study Planner.

Guest students from non-Danish Universities register for courses via ‘Studieplanlæggeren’.

Participation in courses and exams is free of charge for guest students.

Most courses are open to guest students. Guest students can register for all courses via DTU’s course database. ‘Læreanstalternes Fælles Kurser’ (joint courses of the universities) follow a special registration procedure.

Drawing lots
In any drawing of lots for places on a course with a limited number of participants, full-time students who register within the registration deadline will be allocated a place before any guest students.

Only students registered for a course in the semester immediately preceding the exam are entitled to participate in the course exam. Course registrations are transferred as exam registrations approximately 14 days before the deadline for registration for the exam. Guest students who fail an exam have the same rights to take re-exams and make-up exams as full-time students (see DTU Inside under ‘Exam’). Students can register for re-exams by contacting the Study administration via email at in the following periods:

  • 15 October-1 November for participation in re-exams in December
  • 1-15 April for participation in re-exams in May