How to apply for change of study programme or field of study for BEng and BSc students
If you wish to change studies at DTU to another study programme, you can do either a change of study programme or a change of field of study. Regardless if you do one or the other, you must follow the same application procedure.
What is a change of study programme and a change of field of study?
- If you want to change from a BSc programme to a BEng programme or vice versa, you must change your study programme.
- If you want to change from one BEng programme to another or from one BSc programme to another, you must change the field of study.
Conditions for changing study programme or field of study
The following conditions must be met in order to change your study programme/field of study:
- You must be able to transfer what corresponds to the 1st year of study in the field of study you would like to change to.
The BEng programme's first year of study corresponds to all courses in the first and second semesters - i.e. 60 ECTS credits from the 1st and 2nd semesters combined.
The BSc programme's first year of study corresponds to 60 ECTS credits in the compulsory course groups.
Courses that can be transferred to the optional group can never count.
- You must fulfil the general and specific admission requirements for the programme you want to study.
- There must be vacant study seats on the programme.