The SU Office

The SU Office at DTU offers guidance to all DTU students on the SU rules and processes applications for SU, SU loans, youth cards, and study abroad scholarships.

Here you'll find information about The Danish students' Grants and Loans Scheme, SU, that is particularly relevant to DTU students:


The State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme (SU) provides financial support to students doing a study programme.

The SU Act provides for:

  • A grant (called 'SU')
  • an optional student loan, and
  • a personal income threshold, so you can earn money without repaying SU grants or an SU loan.

Find out more at

At minSU on you can digitally apply for SU, resume your SU or apply for parental SU. If you want to apply for additional SU portions, you must manually send all relevant documents to the SU Office via email.

SU for a new study programme

Before applying for SU, please check if your CPR number has been updated in the DTU Base. Your SU application will not be approved until your correct CPR number has been registered in the DTU Base.

You can apply for SU for a new study programme at minSU. Click the button APPLY FOR SU (SØG SU in Danish) followed by Apply for SU (Søg SU in Danish) and fill in the form online. Please note that the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science has not received your application until an application receipt is displayed on screen.

If you are not a Danish national, you have to apply for equal status after having completed the application form for SU. Find the application form for equal status in the menu to the left when clicking the button APPLY FOR SU.

Resume your SU after opting out or having been declared study inactive

You must apply to resume your SU if you have opted out of SU for a period of time and wish to resume it, or if you have gained the necessary ECTS credits after having been declared study inactive. You can do this via the item Resume SU (Genoptag SU in Danish) found in the menu to the left when clicking the button CORRECT YOUR SU (RET DIN SU in Danish) at minSU.

SU conditions

To be eligible for SU, you and your study programme must fulfil a number of certain conditions.

If you are a foreign citizen and wish to receive more information on how to apply for SU, you can find the information at Please note that you have to make sure that your correct CPR number has been registered in the DTU Base before applying for SU.

If you have any questions regarding obtaining or keeping equal status, please contact the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science directly. See their contact information here.

Conditions for receiving SU:

  • You are actively participating in your study programme.
  • You do not earn too much money in addition to your SU.
  • You are not receiving other government support.
  • You are a Danish citizen. If you are a foreign citizen, you may be able to receive SU if you rank alongside Danish citizens.
  • You and your study programme fulfil the conditions related to the type of study programme for which you are applying for SU.

While receiving SU, you must meet a certain ECTS credit requirement. The credit requirements are related to your progress in your studies, i.e. your study activity. Please note, that the SU regulations concerning study activity are different from the academic regulations about study activity.

You can read more about the study activity requirements at "Enrolled after September 2016" and "Enrolled before September 2016"

Inspection of study activity

The SU Office will inspect your study activity two times, in March and September, each year. Here, we will examine whether you are fulfilling the credit requirements for receiving SU. 

The SU Office checks if you have started your education

No later than 7 months after having been enrolled into your study programme, the SU Office will check whether you are progressing in your studies. If you have yet to participate in an exam, you will be considered inactive and your SU payments will stop.


Your study activity will be controlled in March and September each year. The Danish Agency for Institutions and Grants will decide whether you meet the credit requirements and thus are actively studying in relation to SU. Your study activity is calculated by the number of months you have received SU compared with the number of ECTS you have passed. At you can see what kind of SU that are left out of account in the calculation of your study activity. 

The months you have received SU is counted in "SU-klip". When you have received SU in 3 months, you have also received 3 SU-klip. As you can see at figure 1 below, it is not required that you pass any ECTS, when you have received SU in 6 month, 6 SU-klip. However, afterwards you need to pass 30 ECTS for every 6 SU-klip you receive.

You can read more about study activity according to the rules of the SU law at

If the Danish Agency for Institutions and Grants discovers that you are more than 6 months (corresponding to 30 ECTS credits) delayed in your study, while you receive SU, you will be declared inactive as a student and your SU will be stopped.

Follow your own study progress at minSU

It is your own responsibility to make sure, that you fulfil the credit requirements, continuously. At the menu "Studiefremdrift" at minSU, you can see how your study activity is registered. 

An example of the study activity by a student is shown below in the diagram. This show the achieved ECTS credits against the received SU-klip. The student has used a total of 18 SU-klip and achieved 55 ECTS credits. This imply that the student is delayed with more than 30 ECTS credits in regard to the expected study activity, as the minimum demand for 18 SU-klip is 60 ECTS credits. Below you can also see how to read the diagram.

  • The boundaries between the green and the yellow areas are the amount of ECTS credits (Y-axis) you have to achieve in order to follow the standard study activity on your study compared to the amount of received SU-klip (X-axis).
  • The boundaries between the yellow and the red area are the allowed delay of maximum 30 ECTS credits compared to the amount of received SU portions.
  • The black curve show the current study activity.

NB: The diagram below is an example - find your own personal diagram at minSU.

When you have received 18 SU-klip, it is required that you have passed 60 ECTS credits. When you have received 24 SU-klip (next control point) it is required that you have passed 90 ECTS credits.

At minSU under “Se din SU / Studiefremdrift” you can find your personal overview.

Final assignment and study activity

Even though you do not fulfil the study activity requirements, you are entitled to SU if you are registered for your BSc project, final project or MSc thesis.

Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) students have a paid internship as part of their study programme. Please note that this means BEng students may only receive SU for 3 years of their BEng programme. Your final date in the SU system will therefore be six months earlier than your actual final date. You must take the initiative to extend your study programme in the SU system:

  1. Login to minSU.
  2. Choose “Ret din SU”
  3. In the menu on the left side of the screen you choose “Forlæng uddannelse” (prolong your studies). From here you will need to specify the new end date of your studies under “Ny uddannelsesslut” as well as applying for SU for this month which is done by ticking the box “SU-stipendium” and choosing either the current or next month. Now you only have to click “Forlæng uddannelsen” and you are done.

Approximately 14 days after you have extended your SU a letter will be sent to your e-Boks, where the extended period will be stated. Please check that this date corresponds with what you have entered on minSU.

When a BEng student commences an internship in connection with their study programme, they must give the SU office a copy of their employment contract/internship agreement. The SU office must register that you are doing your internship in the SU system. The agreement must be stamped and signed by the host company. You must upload your internship contract to us at 

Please note that is of key importance whether you are undertaking a paid or unpaid internship.

A BEng internship runs for 20 weeks, which corresponds to 5 months' SU.

Paid internship

You are not permitted to receive SU and an internship salary at the same time. If you have found a host organization which will pay you a salary during your internship, we will cancel your SU during the period of your internship—a total of 5 months. The size of your salary is irrelevant in this context. Even if your salary is lower than the SU rate, you are ineligible to receive SU during your internship.

Given that the salary from a paid internship is paid in arrears and SU is paid in advance, there will be one month without income at the beginning of a paid internship. However, you can apply for double SU payment before a paid internship. This means that you will receive two SU grant portions in the month before the internship commences and no SU grant portion in the month immediately following the internship period. The double payment is only available in connection with a paid internship. If you want to apply for a double SU payment prior to an internship, you must apply in the month you want the payment disbursed. You can apply for a double SU payment prior to an internship via minSU and send the receipt and the internship contract to the SU office at You can read more about double SU payments prior to an internship at

If you do not apply for a double SU payment in time before your internship commences, you can have your internship registered with a one-month delay in SU's internal systems. If you want to do this, you must inform us when you submit your internship contract to the SU Office at

Unpaid internship

If you are commencing an unpaid internship, you can apply for additional SU grant portions corresponding to the length of the internship. An internship period lasts for 5 months, meaning that you can receive 5 additional SU grant portions.

To apply for 5 additional grant portions, send a copy of your employment contract or internship agreement - stamped and signed by both the company and the internship supervisor - to

If your host company does not have a stamp, the contract must be printed on the company's letterhead and signed by your company supervisor.

If your host company covers your documented expenses in connection with the internship, this will have no effect on your SU. As a rule, however, the amount must not exceed the monthly SU payment. You must document that the expenses are related to your internship. Examples of internship expenses your host organisation or company (for project-oriented courses) may cover include:

  • travel insurance
  • plane tickets
  • telephone bills
  • extra costs of housing

This means that your host organisation is permitted to cover documented expenses that you have in connection with your internship or project oriented course, without this being viewed as a salary.

It is also possible for students in unpaid internships to receive a financial gratuity of up to 3000 DKK/month from their host company. Please note that the gratuity is considered taxable income. You can read more about the rules for financial gratuities on (please note the information is only available in Danish).

If you become a parent a short time before you begin your education or while studying, you can apply for extra parental SU portions for your study programme. Please note that your parental SU supplement only applies to the study programme during which you had the child. If you change your study programme before you have spend the parental SU portions, you may not be able to transfer the remaining portions to your new study programme. You can read more about the rules for parental SU at (fødsels-støtte).

Parental SU

If you become a parent while studying at DTU or immediately prior to commencing your studies, you can apply for parental SU (fødsels-støtte). The monthly parental SU disbursement rate is equal to your ordinary SU rate. In order to receive parental SU, you must not be declared study inactive according to the SU rules in the month before your first parental SU disbursement. However, you do not have to be an active student during the period you receive the parental SU, except if you choose to receive the parental SU on top of your normal SU instead of in place of your SU.

You can apply for parental SU via minSU -> SØG SU -> Fødsels-støtte. Once you have finished the application, you can plan how and when to receive the parental SU portions.

When becoming a parent, you can:

  • receive 9 parental SU portions (or 12 if you are a single parent)
  • select between 3 different types of disbursement options
  • choose when during your study programme to receive the parental SU 
  • transfer up to 3 of the 9 parental SU portions to the co-parent, provided that they fulfil the conditions for receiving SU
  • If you are giving birth to the child, you can apply for parental SU three months before your due date at the earliest and start receiving parental supplement two months before your due date at the earliest.
  • If you are a co-parent, you can apply for parental SU one month before the due date at the earliest and start receiving the parental supplement the following month at the earliest.

Parental SU payments

You can receive parental SU in 3 ways: As a single parental SU portion a month (enkelt fødsels-støtte), as two parental SU portions a month (dobbelt fødsels-støtte) or as a single parental SU portion on top of your regular SU payment a month (fødsels-støtte med almindelig SU). In addition, you are free to combine the three types of payments.

The parental SU portion rate is the same as the normal SU rate.

Single parental payments:

If you choose to receive your parental SU portions as monthly single payments, you will receive parental SU for 9 months (or 12 if you are a single parent) in place of your SU. During this period, you do not have to be actively studying.

Double parental payments:

If you choose to receive two of your parental SU portions a month, you will receive what amounts to double your SU each month for 4 months plus 1 month with a single parental SU payment (if you have 9 parental SU portions). During this period, you do not have to be actively studying. If you are receiving an SU loan, it will also be doubled during the months you receive double payments.

Single parental payments with SU:

If you choose to receive your parental SU portions as monthly single payments whilst continuing to receive SU, you will receive what amounts to double your SU each month for 9 months (if you have 9 parental SU portions). However, you must remain study active according to the SU rules if you select this disbursement option. You do not meet the conditions, for example, if you follow a special study programme schedule at reduced hours. In addition, you must have regular SU portions remaining in your total pool of SU portions amounts in order to receive single parental payments with SU. If you receive an SU loan, it will also be doubled during the months you receive this disbursement option.

Dependents supplement

If you have one or more dependents, you can receive a supplementary SU loan. If you are a single parent, or live with another SU recipient, you can get a dependents supplement in addition to the supplementary SU loan.

You can apply for a supplementary SU loan (supplerende SU-lån til forsørgere) and dependents supplement (forsørgertillæg) via minSU. You can read more about the dependents supplement at

Note! You cannot receive parental SU and a supplementary SU loan/dependents supplement at the same time. If you apply for parental SU while receiving dependents supplement, the latter will be put on hold while you will receive parental SU.

If you are newly enrolled as an MSc student at DTU, you can receive SU during the holiday between completing your BSc/BEng programme and commencing your MSc, on the condition that there is not more than two months between the two study programmes.

Below, we have listed a series of examples on when it is possible to apply for SU to an MSc programme and when you do not have a legitimate claim on SU during the period in-between. These examples presume that you start your MSc programme at the standard study start in the beginning of September.

  • If you are completing your BSc/BEng programme the 1st of June or earlier, then you can’t receive SU in the period in-between the two programmes as there are more than two months in-between.
  • If you are completing your BSc/BEng programme the 2nd of June, then you can apply for SU for your MSc programme from the month of July. Notice, that when you apply for SU from the month of July, then this can be done at the earliest the 15th of June.
  • If you are completing your BSc/BEng programme the 31st of August, then you can apply for SU for your MSc programme from the month of September.

Please note that you cannot apply for SU until you know you have been admitted to the MSc programme and have accepted your student place.

Are you in doubt whether you can receive SU in-between your undergraduate and graduate programme, then please contact the SU-team.

You can read more about the rules on SU during the holiday between two study programmes at different academic levels at

You can receive SU as long as you are enrolled in a full-time education. The SU you receive during a transitional semester is related to your BSc or BEng. Your right to SU ends once you complete your BSc or BEng education.

It is only possible to receive SU during the transition period between BSc/BEng to MSc if there is at max two calendar months between the two educations. This means that if you finish your studies in May and start your MSc in September, you are not eligible to receive SU in the period between the studies since there are three whole calendar months in between (June, July and August).

If you find an MSc course in the holiday period between the two educations, which you would like to take, you can then look into the possibility for an early start to your MSc degree by contacting the candidate admission at

For example, this means that if you are enrolled in an early study start in August you can receive SU in the holiday between the two educations even though you finished your BSc/BEng in May. It is only the candidate admission that can determine if you are allowed to take an early start to your studies.

Control (checking)

It will be checked around study start that you have participated in the exam that granted you access to the early start to your MSc’s degree. You will be asked to pay back the SU you have received based on the MSc course if you have not participated in the lectures and the exam. In most cases, this will concern the months of June, July and August.

Required study activity during the transitional semester

You should note that you will receive SU to your BSc/BEng education, while you are on a transitional semester, as long as you have not finished your BSc/BEng degree. This means, that it is only the ECTS you pass on your BSc/BEng degree, which counts in the SU-office’s control of your study activity on this education. Courses passed on your MSc education are not taken into account in regards to study activity as long as you have not yet finished your BSc/BEng degree.

You can see your progress in your own studies on minSU – Se min SU – Studiefremdrift.

You need to be aware of many things when you are changing your study programme or your field of study – your SU is one of them.

Changing study programme

When changing your study programme, you need to apply for SU again at minSU. If you are not a Danish citizen, you will also have to apply for equal status as well.

An example of a change of study programme is a change from a BEng programme to a BSc programme. That represents a complete change of study programme. It is also a change of study programme if you choose to switch from a humanities or sociology undergraduate programme to a science programme. If you change study programme, you are required to apply for credit transfer. That means the SU for your study programme will be reduced due to the credit transfer. 5 ECTS equals one month of SU.

For example, if you receive credit for 30 ECTS credits, the number of months with SU for your new study programme will be reduced by six portions (30/5=6).

It is therefore very important that you continue your new study programme at a full-time load, as you otherwise risk running out of SU at the end of your study programme.

Changing field of study

When changing your field of study, you need to apply for SU at minSU again. If you are not a Danish citizen, you will also have to apply for equal status as well.

A change of field of study occurs when you choose to remain in your current study programme but simply change your field of study. For example, if you choose to switch from a BEng in Chemistry and Biotechnology to a BEng in Software Technology. You remain in the BEng study programme but change your field of study. The same applies if you change from one MSc programme at DTU to another.

Even though you do not change your study programme, only your field of study, you will still be enrolled in a new study programme in the SU system. That means you must apply for SU to a new study programme at minSU. Because of this process, your SU to a new field of study will be calculated as if it was a new study programme as described above.

A delay will always have an effect on your SU There can be a variety of factors that cause you to be delayed in your studies, and the different reasons will have different impacts on how the delay is handled in the SU system. However, you will always be subject to the SU credit requirements for active study.

Note that if you are delayed in your studies, it is your responsibility to extend your study programme.

If you are delayed due to illness, committee work, or unique special circumstances, you have the option of applying for additional SU grant portions.

Study programme extension
It is your responsibility to extend your study programme in a timely manner if this is necessary. Please note that if you do not extend your study programme in time, it will not be possible to apply for SU for the months where you have not received SU.

You extend your study programme via the 'Extend study programme' menu item under the 'Amend SU' tab at minSU.

Additional SU grant portions

If you have been ill or currently are, there are various options in the SU system. Please note that the options in the SU system have nothing to do with DTU's own rules about illness. If you have any questions about DTU's rules and options in connection with illness, contact your DTU Student Counselling Office.

If you are delayed in your study programme due to illness, committee work, or unique special circumstances, you can apply for additional SU grant portions. If you are approved to receive additional SU portions, we add these to your SU support period (your study programme's prescribed time period plus 12 months) and the total allowance of 70 grant portions. In order to receive additional SU portions, the delay has to have arisen during a period when you received SU (excluding parental SU) or another student support payment. You can read more about additional SU portions due to illness at

Delayed due to illness

If you have been delayed in your studies due to illness, you might be eligible for additional SU portions. However, several conditions must be met:

  • You must have received SU or another student support payment during the period in which you have been ill. You cannot be assigned additional SU portions for periods where you have received parental SU.
  • You must be delayed in relation to the prescribed study period for your study programme.
  • If your illness is chronic or long-term, you should not expect additional SU portions for the illness.
  • Your illness must be attested by a doctor who clearly states that you have been unable to follow your studies for the period in question.

If you are applying for additional SU potions due to illness, you can read our guidelines on the information your medical certificate must contain:

  • Guidelines on information in medical certificates.
How to proceed

If you believe you meet the conditions for receiving additional SU portions, you can apply at under 'SØG SU' (apply for SU) followed by 'Tillæg af klip' (additional SU portions).

You must indicate the reason for your delay, how many months you have been delayed, and when the delay arose. Please note that we only look at the delay that has arisen during the period of time you specify. 

Once you have completed the form at minSU, a receipt page will be displayed. You must email this receipt page to the SU Office, within 21 days of having filled in the form together with a personal statement aa well as relevant documentation. Please note that if one or more of these items are missing, we will not process your application.

What kind of documentation does the SU office need?

When you apply for additional portions due to illness, we need a medical certificate documenting that you have been ill. This can be issued by a general practitioner, a hospital doctor, or a psychiatrist. We cannot use statements signed by a physiotherapist, acupuncturist, or the like. Nor can we use extracts from hospital medical records. 

The medical certificate must clearly state that you have been ill. It must also indicate the precise period during which you have been ill. The medical certificate must be stamped and signed by the doctor. We also need your own explanation for how your illness has delayed your studies. 

If you are applying for additional portions due to special circumstances or committee work, we need the documentation relevant to your case. In the case of committee work, we need documentation for the scope of your work, meetings attended, etc. If you are applying due to special circumstances, we need the documentation you believe is relevant to your case. 

If we need further information or documentation, we will contact you via your student email address.

How will your delay be calculated?

If we find that you are entitled to additional SU portions, we will look at the delay that has arisen in the period in question. A one-month SU portion corresponds to 5 ECTS credits, and a full year of study corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. If you have been ill for 6 months, you are expected to have passed 30 ECTS credits during the relevant exam periods. Based on your delay during the relevant months, your exam registrations, and SU portions received, the SU Office will calculate how many extra SU portions you can be allocated for your delay.

Please note that the calculation of additional portions is always individual and based on a specific assessment of your delay.

Processing time

The SU Office at DTU services all DTU students. We receive many applications for additional SU portions. The processing time can therefore be up to 10 weeks—from when we receive your application, until you receive a response.

More information on additional SU grant portions

You can read more about the conditions for additional SU portions at 

If you have any questions about additional SU portions you are welcome to contact the SU Office at DTU.

Appeal guidelines

If your application for additional SU portions is refused, you can appeal the decision. You must submit your appeal to the SU Office at DTU within 4 weeks after receiving the decision. You can email the appeal to us at

Please note that you can only appeal if we have made a decision in your case, i.e. if you have received a rejection or (partial) acceptance of your application. If we have asked for further documentation in order to process your application, no decision has yet been made and you cannot appeal. 

How we handle appeals

When we receive an appeal, we will re-evaluate the case and assess whether we should reopen the case, change our decision and approve additional SU portions, or uphold the refusal.

It is rare that we change a decision if there is no new information in the case. The cases where we change our decision typically involve new information that changes the assessment basis for the previous decision.

If we decide to uphold the refusal, we will forward the appeal and case documents to the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science. The Agency will process your application and notify you and us of their decision. Please note that the processing time for appeals forwarded to the Agency can be several months. The Agency will respond to your appeal via e-Boks.

If the Agency upholds the refusal, you can appeal the decision to the Board of Appeals for the State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme (Ankenævnet for Statens Uddannelsesstøtteordninger). They will then consider the appeal. Read more about the appeals board (information only available in Danish).

You can read about the rules for additional SU portions in section 28 of Statutory Order no. 792 of 25 June 2014 on the State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme (SU-bekendtgørelsen).

Sick leave

If you are ill and choose to take sick leave from your studies, please note that you will not be eligible to receive SU during your leave.

If you know in advance that you will be on sick leave for a long time, and therefore unable to pursue your studies, you should not expect to receive additional SU grant portions for the whole delay period caused by your illness. It is therefore an option to apply for sick leave from DTU and then apply for sickness benefits. You can read more about sickness benefits at, and you can contact the Study Guidance to hear more about DTU's sick leave rules

If you will be going abroad in connection with your study programme, you can most likely take your SU with you. However, this does not apply to foreign nationals who have been treated on an equal footing with Danish citizens based on EU rules. Read more about SU for foreign citizens at

Study trips abroad arranged by DTU

If you are undertaking a study programme at DTU, you can take your SU and SU loan with you while studying abroad. This requires that:

  1. your studies abroad are part of your study programme at DTU
  2. your studies abroad have been approved in advance by the International Education

If these two conditions are met, you do not need to contact the SU office to transfer your SU with you abroad—this will happen automatically. However, there are several things you need to be aware of:

  1. Does your grant notification look correct? Will you be receiving SU in the months you are abroad? If not, you must extend your study programme.
  2. Do you have enough nemID codes to take with you so that you can log in to minSU and make any necessary corrections? If not, you can order a new key card and take it with you on your studies abroad.
  3. Do you have access to your student email account? The SU Office performs a student activity check at least twice a year. If your name is drawn in connection with our automatic check, we will email a notification to your student email address before we stop your SU. If you can document your stay abroad with an advance approval, we will most likely exempt your study inactivity so that you can continue to receive SU while you are abroad. It is therefore very important that you regularly check your student email account while you are away.
  4. If you temporarily move your registered address to your parents' home, or one of your parents temporarily moves into your address, you must inform us that your residential status is temporarily amended. You can do this via in the 'Amend your SU' menu, in the 'Notify special residential status' submenu. This will prevent you from receiving SU at the parent-dependent rate while abroad.

While studying abroad, you are subject to the same study activity and SU rules that apply when you are studying in Denmark. These rules are explained here. If you have been delayed in your study programme before going to study abroad, it is therefore a good idea to contact the SU office, so we can together look at whether you meet the credit requirements for receiving SU during the period you will be away.

Complete study programme abroad

It is possible to receive SU for a number of complete study programmes abroad. An extension to a Danish study programme—such as a Master programme—also counts as a complete study programme. 

The Danish Agency handles SU applications for complete study programmes abroad. You must therefore apply directly to them. Read more about the application process and documentation requirements at

You can also apply for a study abroad scholarship and optional study abroad loan for complete study programmes abroad. The rules are explained here at

Self-funded studies abroad

If you are going on an exchange which you have arranged directly outside of DTU's exchange agreements, you must pay the tuition fee in connection with your stay. However, you can apply for a study abroad scholarship to cover a part of the tuition fee in connection with your stay. Please note that there is no guarantee that you will be able to cover the entire tuition fee with the study abroad scholarship.

You can apply for a study abroad scholarship via the International Office. You can find more information about study abroad scholarships and the application form you should use on the International Education page on DTU Inside. The rules for study abroad scholarships are also explained on

DTU students can apply for a youth card which entitles them to discounts on transport to and from DTU.

To receive a youth card you must meet the following conditions:

  • You do not receive any transport subsidies from other schemes.
  • Your study programme or course is organised as full-time tuition.

The rules for youth cards for higher education programmes are explained at

Youth card validity period

Please note that the minimum period a youth card can be issued for is 30 days—up to a maximum period of 120 days.

Given that a youth card cannot have a validity period of less than 30 days, as you near the end of your study programme, you should take care to extend the card's validity to the end date of your study programme. For example, if your study programme ends on the 30th of the month, but your youth card is valid to the 6th, you will be unable to order a new youth card which is valid from the 7th to the 30th. In this example, you should take care to change the validity period of your previous card so it expires on the 30th rather than on the 6th.

If you no longer want a youth card, cancel the card in the 'Mit Ungdomskort' public transport companies' booking system.


If an internship or similar is part of your study programme, you can get a youth card for your daily travel to your host organization. If your internship organization is located in the same zone that your normal youth card covers, you do not need to apply for a new youth card. Simply use your normal youth card.

If your internship organization is located in another zone (regardless of whether you already have a youth card or not), you must be approved for two different youth cards—your normal card and an extra card for the secondary travel segment. Be sure to check that you are approved for the segment between your home and DTU, and the segment between your home and the internship organization. You can read more about how to apply for a youth card in connection with an internship at

Mileage allowance

If you drive to and from DTU by car you can apply for a mileage allowance—if you have a particularly long distance or travelling time, or if there is no public transport between your home and DTU. The mileage allowance covers a portion of your actual expenses for vehicle transport. You can read more about the rules for the mileage allowance at

You can read about the general terms and conditions for receiving SU, application procedures, etc., at

Please note that the DTU Admission Course has its own SU guidance about SU for youth education programmes. 

Opening hours & contact information

Please see our FAQ before contacting the SU Office.


Please be aware that the SU Office does not accept physical copies of applications. All receipts and other applications must be sent digitally via mail.


+45 45 25 72 46. Phone hours: Monday and Wednesday 9–10 am.

Drop in:

Lyngby Campus
Bygning 101A
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Hours: Wednesdays 12–14 pm.

Ballerup Campus
Lokale D 1.01
Lautrupvang 15
2750 Ballerup
Hours: Mondays 12–14 pm.