Summer University DTU

The DTU Summer University is an opportunity to take courses during the summer in one of the three teaching periods in June, July and August. Each session lasts three weeks.

The Summer University allows you to build up credits in advance to allow more time for other activities during the normal semesters, or to catch up if you have fallen behind or have failed exams and need to retake them.

The initiative also allows you to take courses that you would otherwise be unable to attend due to timetable conflicts.

Courses (except for retake courses) are taught in English.

Who can participate?

  • DTU Students: BSc, BEng, MSc, and PhD students
  • Students who need to take additional courses to be admitted to an MSc programme
  • International and Danish guest students
  • People interested in continuing education

Course periods in 2024

  • Three-week period in June 2024: 6 June to 26 June
  • Three-week period in July 2024: 8 July to 26 July
  • Three-week period in August 2024: 5 August to 23 August

Find Summer University DTU courses

Summer University DTU offers about 200 different courses. You can find the courses in the course database. Search on 'Summer University' for details on courses in June, July, and August. You can also search on the individual months.

How to register

Register for courses from the course database (use your student ID number) via the Studyplanner.

The individual departments may decide that registration takes place at the department. This will be stated in the course description.

Registration for special courses during the summer period takes place via the relevant supervisor at the department.

Course registration deadline

The course registration period runs from 1 to 15 May for courses in June, July, and August.

Supplementary registration

If the course is not fully booked after the ordinary registration deadline, supplementary registration is possible in the following periods:

  • 27 May to 3 June for courses in June
  • 27 May to 5 July for courses in July
  • 27 May to 2 August for courses in August (including registration for retake courses)