Project courses and company projects

A project course gives you the opportunity to design a course that suits you. You can also do a project course in collaboration with a company.

A project course might be the right answer for you if you have become interested in a specific topic not covered by the existing courses offered or if you need to take a specific course in another form or with a different approach.

Project courses make it possible for you to work precisely with the topic you wish. You are able to determine the scope and the progress of the course yourself.

A specialization course is often set up in connection to a thesis, a bachelor or a diploma engineering project to gain a better insight into experimental methods or theories before you begin working on the project.

It is also a good way to test a subject area, a supervisor or a possible project partner before you start working on an extensive project. Furthermore you may gain valuable experience with specific working methods.

Agreement and enrolment

Contact a lecturer or the department you feel can fulfil your wishes for a project course.

Registration takes place via the department and the signed agreement is binding for all parties involved.

If you are a group of students it is also a good idea if you as a group match your expectations and ambitions for the project course before you begin.

Read more about course registration

A project course at DTU is a course set up specifically for a single student or a group of students. The content of the project course must be agreed upon by the student/students and a DTU supervisor.

The credit points of a project course range between 5 and 30 ECTS points with range leaps of 2½ point.

Read more about the formal scope of a project course in DTU's study rules

Company project

A project course can be undertaken in association with a company. This type of project course is called a company project or a project-based exam. Your thesis, bachelor project or bachelor of engineering project can also be carried out as a company project.

Why undertake a company project?

A company project is a good way to get a taste of the real working life. You experience a company from the inside and you get to undertake a project which is useful to the company.

Furthermore the close contact with the company will give you a network within your field of study.

Finally, corporation with a company might also be a valuable asset to your CV when you start applying for jobs.

Getting started

It is up to you to contact the companies, but often your department can help you establish the contact.

You might also be able to get in contact through DSE fairs, DTU Career Center’s various events or DTU Career Hub.

You can also find interesting companies by browsing company registers or job banks.

If you want to send the companies a professional CV and application, DTU Career Center can help you.

Agreement and enrolment

Regarding company projects, we recommend that the student, your DTU supervisor and the company draw up an agreement about the project. The agreement might deal with the project title/abstract, specific assignments, expected working hours/hours of attendance as well as possible requirements on the part of the company concerning non-disclosure.

DTU’s Office for Study Programmes and Student Affairs has to be notified before the company project is undertaken.

Economy and insurance

You are entitled to SU during the time you are carrying out company projects.

The company in some cases offers the student a token of appreciation. If so, it should be mentioned in the agreement. Furthermore DTU has to be notified, because it might affect your SU.

It is also important that you are covered by insurance during your assignment with the company.

Read more about contracts and insurance when cooporating with a company