Readmission into BSc Eng and BENG programmes

If previously enrolled students want to study at DTU again, they can apply for readmission.

Rules regarding readmission only apply if a student applies for the same study degree. All BSc Eng are considered the same type of degree, and all BEng are considered the same type of degree. If the student previously studied one type of programme and now wishes to apply for a new type of programme, the student must apply for admission or a change of study programme.

Applicants who have withdrawn from their study programme themselves, or DTU has withdrawn them, can be readmitted in the same field of study programme within the same type of degree (BSc, BEng, or MSc) at the earliest five months after their enrollment at DTU was terminated. In relation to the summer admission that means an applicant must be disenrolled by 1 April to be able to resume the semester starting 1 September. 

If applicants apply for readmission and have already completed a master's programme, they will be covered by the master rule ('kandidatreglen'), which means that you can only be admitted if there is a vacant seat on the programme. 

Applicants who are in conflict with DTU's study rules
Applicants who have been disenrolled from their study programme by DTU because of violation of DTU's rules (the first-year exam, used up exam attempts or maximum duration of the study, etc.) or who are in violation of those rules at the time of application for readmission will need to apply for an exemption. Such an application is only to be submitted once you have applied for readmission and once DTU has notified you. Please note that ann exemption must be applied for regardless of whether the student is applying for a place on a different study programme than the one in which the student was previously enrolled. 

In connection with the application for exemption, DTU assesses whether the applicant's opportunities to complete the education have significantly improved since they were last enrolled at DTU. This assessment can, i.a., include academic and health conditions. The applicant must thus not apply for an exemption for the rule with which they were in conflict. Instead, they must focus on how the opportunities to complete the study programme have been improved.

If the application for an exemption is accepted, it will be assessed whether the applicant can be readmitted. If it cannot be accepted, the student’s application for readmission will be rejected.

Read more about exemption from DTU's rules at DTU Inside under 'Study rules'/'Exemption'.

Limitation period for previously passed courses
Courses/educational elements passed more than five years before readmission to DTU cannot - as a general rule - be transferred to the student's new enrollment. However, the relevant head of study may, in special cases, make an exemption from this rule based on a specific academic assessment. Whether an exemption can be granted is assessed by the head of studies in connection with the assessment of the readmission application. Courses that date back more than five years will only be transferred to the applicant's new study programme if the applicant wishes to do so.

Application and application deadlines
Readmission with study start on 1 September
Applicants who apply for readmission must be aware of which application deadlines they must follow. Application deadlines are found at under ‘Readmission and change of study programme’.

However, it should be noted that applicants who have passed between 0 and 59 ECTS credits on higher education programmes must apply for readmission no later than 15 March at 12 noon.

It should also be noted that applicants who have already passed 60 ECTS credits or more on higher education programmes must apply for readmission no later than 1 May.

If the applicant's qualifying exam is only admissible in quota 2, or if the applicant wishes to be assessed in quota 2, the application deadline is 15 March at 12 noon.

Applications for readmission are submitted via

Readmission with study start on 1 February
Applicants who apply for readmission must be aware of which application deadlines they must follow. Application deadlines are found at under ‘Readmission and change of study programme’.

However, it should be noted that applicants who have between 0-59 ECTS credits in higher education programmes must apply for readmission no later than 15 October.

It should also be noted that applicants who have already passed 60 ECTS credits or more on higher education programmes must apply for readmission no later than 1 November.

If the applicant's qualifying exam is only admissible in quota 2, or if the applicant wishes to be assessed in quota 2, the application deadline is 15 October at 12 noon.

Readmission is applied via an application form available during the application period at under ‘Readmission and change of study programme’.

Processing of the application
Applicants may be readmitted either outside the ordinary admission or through ordinary admission.

Applicants will be readmitted outside the ordinary admission (quotas 1 and 2) if all the following conditions are met:

  • The applicants meet the applicable admission requirements for the study programme.
  • The applicants are granted an exemption following any application for this.
  • The applicants have passed courses corresponding to the first academic year of the study programme for which they are applying for readmission.
    In a BEng programme, the first year of study is passed if at least the first and second semesters of the study programme in question have been passed.
    In a BSc programme, the first year of study is passed if a minimum of 60 ECTS credits from the three mandatory blocks of courses (Enrolled before September 2023: basic natural science courses, technological specialization courses, and projects and professional skills courses // Enrolled after September 2023: the Polytechnic foundation, programme-specific courses, and projects) have been passed.
  • There are vacant places at the level of study on the study programme for which the applicants are applying. If the number of students applying for readmission exceeds the number of vacant study places, the places will be distributed in decreasing order of grade point average from the qualifying upper secondary school exam.

Applicants will be readmitted through ordinary admission (quotas 1 and 2) if all the criteria mentioned below are met:

  • The applicants meet the applicable admission requirements for the study programme.
  • The applicants are granted an exemption following any application for this.
  • The applicants have not passed courses corresponding to the first academic year of the study programme for which they are applying for readmission.
    - On a BEng programme, the first year of study has been passed if a minimum of the first and second semesters of the study programme in question have been passed.
    - On a BSc programme, the first year of study has been passed if a minimum of 60 ECTS credits from the three mandatory blocks of courses (Enrolled before September 2023: basic natural science courses, technological specialization courses, and projects and professional skills courses // Enrolled after September 2023: the Polytechnic foundation, Programme specific courses and Projects) have been passed.
  • The applicants’ grade point average is high enough for admission through quota 1, or if the applicants are prioritized high enough to be admitted through quota 2.

Deadlines, courses, and exam attempts

The maximum study period for readmitted students is the prescribed study period + one year from the readmission date for MSc students and prescribed study period + two years from the readmission date for NSc and BEng students. The maximum study period will be reduced by one semester for every 30 ECTS credits the student has already passed.

If the student is readmitted to the same BEng or BSc programme, all compulsory and optional courses that the student has previously passed or failed in this programme will automatically be transferred to the new enrollment and will, therefore, still be part of the student's new study plan.

Exam attempts 

  • Readmission to the same study programme
    The student is granted a new exam attempt on courses for which all exam attempts have been used if the course forms part of the study programme.
  • Readmission to a new study programme through ordinary admission (quotas 1 and 2)
    For students who are readmitted to DTU on a new study programme, the number of used exam attempts on failed courses they have previously attended at DTU is zeroed. The students are allocated three new exam attempts on the courses in question if these courses can be included in the study programme to which the students are now readmitted.
  • Readmission to a new study programme outside the ordinary admission (quotas 1 and 2)
    The students are granted a new exam attempt on courses for which all exam attempts have been used if the course forms part of the study programme.