The DTU Study Environment Survey

Study Environment Survey through Uddannelseszoom 2020 As of autumn 2020, DTU will use Uddannelseszoom, a comprehensive study environment survey conducted by The Ministry of Education and Research, as data for DTU's work with the further development of an attractive, learning-supporting, well-being-promoting, healthy, and safe study and learning environment.

DTU is using the Ministry of Higher Education and Science's comprehensive Uddannelszoom study as a data base for our work to further develop an attractive, learning-enhancing, well-being promoting, healthy and safe study and learning environment.

Uddannelseszoom was conducted as a questionnaire survey from October to November 2023.

Application of the study

The results from the survey form the data used for the study environment work, which takes place at the individual departments and programmes.

In addition, the DTU Study Environment Committee produces an action plan based on the results of the surveys, which includes the efforts to improve the study environment that is anchored in DTU's central administrative departments and units as well as at PF.

The Ministry of Education and Research uses the data to make a virtual tool (Uddannelseszoom), which helps students from upper secondary education choose between the many different higher education programmes.

Finally, the results from part of the questionnaire (Læringsbarometer) are included in the grant system for higher education.

DTU Study Environment Report 2024

The results of Uddannelseszoom 2020 are disseminated in the report DTU Study Environment Survey 2024 (in Danish).