Software for students

As a student at DTU, you have access to software and IT programmes. Read more and find instructions on this page.

DTU Software Downloads

DTU Software Downloads allows you to download and install software that DTU has licensed..

More software for students

Microsoft has expanded their service of free software for students, formerly known as Microsoft Imagine and DreamSpark. With Azure Dev Tools for Teaching, students can download development software and use them for educational purposes.

  • In order to log on to Education Hub, you need to visit
  • At the Microsoft login page you enter INITIALS/
  • You will then be redirected to DTU’s login page, where you are able to login with your DTU credentials.

OnTheHub will still be available and provide various other software.

In addition to software, students can also make use of Azure services.

Note: Not all Azure services are free to use.

Azure subscription services will get suspended, if you run out of credits. Students are offered 100 credits, but will have to pay in order to get more/fill up. 

Find more info about Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

Guides for students: Möbius Student Help

Adobe Spark is available for all students at DTU.

Guide for students and faculty:

If you are a student and unable to log in, please contact to be granted access.