Exam cheating

As a student at DTU, from day one you are covered by the same rules and academic principles as those which apply to our lecturers and researchers.

DTU assumes that you work independently and with integrity. Your exam results are a guarantee that you have achieved the qualifications and competencies featured in each course and at the level reflected in the examination.

That is why it’s important that the exam papers you submit always reflect your own work.e.

Read DTU's code of honour

What defines examination cheating?

Most importantly, you must never plagiarize (copy) other people’s ideas, thoughts, assignments, reports or articles by letting it appear to be your own work. That way, the exam result is a documentation that both you, lecturers and future employers can count on and build on. However, you are allowed to reproduce or quote other people’s ideas, thoughts, reports, or articles, just as long as you clearly refer to their work by putting the quoted material in quotation marks and including the source as a reference.

This also applies to written assignments and exams if you use notes that you have prepared jointly with other students. Because the notes are not your own, but the group's, you must clearly quote and state the source. If you copy parts from the common note text, etc. and put it into your own assignment, it is plagiarism if you have not cited the source or made a reference.

Moreover, you must not copy or reuse your own previous assignments, reports, etc., without quoting it and stating the source. The rule is that when a written work from DTU or another educational institution has been submitted once for assessment, it must subsequently always be quoted.

You may also not communicate with others during a written exam or otherwise receive unwarranted help, including help obtained digitally.

If you improve your results – or that of a fellow student – by violating the rules, it is considered examination cheating. Whether you tried to cheat or not. DTU takes a firm stance on cheating. If you cheat, it can have serious consequences. In the worst case, cheating may result in your expulsion from DTU.

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Ups.. someone droped the letters during the typing of this field. We will have this mess cleaned up as soon a possible.

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