Elite sports

DTU has a very flexible academic year and set of rules, and it is therefore expected that you organize your studies so that your elite sport can be handled alongside.

However, you may need to apply for an exemption during your studies if you do not meet the rules or deadlines that apply to your studies at DTU. This may be due to selection or anything else related to your elite sport. There are no general exemptions based on elite sports. Exemptions must always be sought based on the specific conditions that prevent you from following the study plan.

We recommend that you review your study plan before the course registration for each semester. That way you can apply for any exemptions in good time or get feedback on your plan from the Study Guidance or from your head of studies.

What it means to be an elite athlete

At DTU, you are considered to be an elite athlete if you are competing at the highest level in the international competition structure within the sport in question and have therefore been selected by Team Denmark or similar.

If you participate in sports at a lower level, you may exceptionally be subject to the rules if there is a prospect of you becoming an elite athlete at a later stage.

It is expected that you will spend at least 15-20 hours a week on training, competitions and other track commitments.

As an elite athlete, you must be able to document your elite level, e.g. with a letter of recommendation or sporting approval from the relevant sports association.

Exemption based on elite sport

As an elite athlete at DTU, an exemption can be applied for:

  • the maximum duration of study
  • first-year exam
  • extension of the project period for final projects

Elite sport cannot, as a starting point, be used as a reason for exemption from:

  • The 5 ECTS rule pr. year of study
  • Extra exam attempts

Read more about how to apply for an exemption

When you are an elite athlete, your study plan, which must be made in the study planner, should also include your already known sports activities.

If an exemption is to be applied for, it is expected:

  • That an exemption is sought in good time. If you already know about possible delays or needs for exemption from the start of your study programme, it must be sought before the end of the 1st semester.
  • That a realistic study plan must always be attached. The study plan should also include already known training activities, selections, competitions, etc.
  • That the study plan must not exceed double the prescribed duration of study. If this is not observed, you are encouraged to consider the possibilities of a leave of absence.
  • That the study plan is revised once per semester, and that the study plan is approved as far as possible by the coach/ sports association, the Study Guidance, and the head of studies.

Need for exemption

As an elite athlete at DTU, as a general rule, you have the same exemption opportunities in connection with group work, exams or compulsory teaching elements as other students.

  • Exam
    If you need to change the date of your exam or change the form of the exam, it depends on an individual agreement with the lecturer/course coordinator or supervisor. It is a prerequisite that this is practically possible in relation to the curriculum and the lecturer's other obligations. The Office for Study Programmes and Student Affairs can be consulted if necessary.

  • Group work
    In agreement with the lecturer, the student can be exempt from the requirement for participation in group work, if the group work form is not part of the course's learning objectives. The elite athlete is taken into consideration in the group formation process if the lecturer is familiar with your status as an elite athlete when planning the course.

  • Compulsory teaching elements
    In courses where participation in compulsory teaching elements is a prerequisite for being able to take the exam, account is taken as far as possible if you cannot participate in the relevant teaching elements due to elite sport. You can agree with the lecturer to have the compulsory activity repeated or replaced by a similar activity, but you are not entitled to anything but to take the activity the next time the course is completed.

Guidance and help

As a student at DTU, you can always contact the Study Guidance.

If you need to book a meeting with the contact person for elite athletes in the Study Guide, e.g. so that it fits in your daily schedule, or if you need longer than usual with a study advisor to make a realistic and independent study plan in concert with your training plan, you can contact AC study advisor: Kirstine Godvin Hansen or Christian Jacobsen on elitesport@dtu.dk or via , phone: 4525 1021 and 4525 7833.

Team Denmark's Dual Career Consultants

If you need help and feedback in relation to getting a sports career and a daily life as a student in higher education as well as counseling on your support options, Team Denmark can help you.

Read more on Team Denmark's website