Apply for special examination conditions

You may be granted extra time, special aids or other special conditions for your exams at DTU if, for example, you have a physical disability, a mental diagnosis or dyslexia. Read here about the possibility of special conditions for exams and how to apply.

In what cases can you get special conditions for exams?

You may be granted special conditions for exams if DTU (The Office for Study Programmes and Student Affairs, AUS) assesses that it is necessary in order to give you the same opportunities as the other students in the exam. It is also a prerequisite that the special conditions do not lower the academic level of the exam.

DTU (AUS) may grant special conditions for written exams based on these conditions:

  • If you have a physical or mental impairment (e.g. physical disability, dyslexia, etc.) and the impairment significantly impact your potential exam performance.
  • If your native language and qualifying exam are not Danish may - provided that the exam is only in Danish - you can be granted extra time for a written exam during their first two semesters in Denmark. In this context, a Greenlandic or Faroese qualifying exam can be equated with a foreign qualifying exam.
  • If you have similar difficulties, for instance, if you are in the last month of pregnancy or if you are breastfeeding an infant.

You must document the circumstances on which the grant of special conditions is based.

Read more about the documentation requirements in the leaflet ‘Applying for special arrangements at written exams

Special cases:

  • Hay fever: Only in extraordinary cases, extra time may be granted, provided that your doctor can describe very precisely what you are allergic to, at what time of year you are affected, how your allergy affects you in exam situations, and why the problem cannot be alleviated with medicine. The problem must be described very thoroughly both in the form and in the doctor’s certificate.
  • General anxiety: If you suffer from documentable general anxiety that affects your studies and your life in general, this may be considered a valid reason for you to have special arrangements at your written exams.
  • Exam anxiety is not a valid reason for being granted extra time at written exams. If you suffer from exam anxiety, we recommend that you seek help in managing your anxiety. The Student Counselling Service offers a number of services for students suffering from exam anxiety.

Which special arrangements can be made?

For written exams you can get the following special arrangements:

  • Extra time. Normally 25 percent is granted.
  • Use of own computer. For example during exams where aids are generally not permitted. Permission is usually granted if you are dyslexic, visually impaired or have physical impairments.
    Read about the possibility of getting your exam paper on a USB stick
  • Special physical facilities. For example, if you suffer from a physical impairment, need a height-adjustable desk, easily become distracted when surrounded by lots of people, or if you suffer from social anxiety
  • Other. For example, if you are particularly sensitive to noise and need to wear noisereducing headphones.

Read more in the study rules about special examination conditions

If you have been allowed to use your own computer you can apply for a non-digital exam assignment to be handed out on a USB key.

Fill in the application form: USB-stick at written exams at DTU

If you wish to hand in the exam answer on a USB key, the student must inform the lecturer beforehand.

Deadlines for having the exam assignment handed out on a USB key:

  • Ordinary winter exam after the autumn 13-week period:
    1 November
  • Exam after the 3-week period in January:
    the last day of the supplementary registration period
  • Ordinary summer exam after the spring 13-week period:
    15 April
  • Exam after the 3-week period in June:
    the last day of the supplementary registration period
  • Exam after the 3-week period in July:
    the last day of the supplementary registration period
  • Reexam and exam after the 3-week period in August:
    the last day of the supplementary registration period

See exam registration deadlines

If you have been granted special conditions for a written exam, these special conditions also apply to an oral exam, provided you have a need for them.

The amount of extra time required for oral exams may vary and you need to arrange the necessary time with the course coordinator.

It is important that you have the agreement in place at least one month before the oral exam.

Read more in the study rules about special conditions for an oral exam

Long-term projects and special conditions for group projects

In connection with long-term projects, you can apply for an extension of the project period. The procedure is similar to the procedure for special conditions at oral exams as these projects are administered by the departmental course coordinators.

If you are part of a group, and if you are able to apply for extra time for your project work, while the other group members are not able to apply for extra time, your lecturer/course coordinator can grant extra time to the whole group.

Final projects

When doing your BEng project, BSc project, or MSc thesis, you can ask your supervisor for three extra weeks for writing the project. If you need more time, you can apply for an exemption.

If you wish to apply for an extension of your project period, it is important that you involve your supervisor and that you do so before registering the project in the system. This is to make sure that your conditions are clear and work for both you and your supervisor.


If you want to apply to change the exam form (e.g. from written to oral), you must contact the Study Administration, which will review your request and discuss it with your lecturer/course coordinator.

Read more in the study rules about exam forms

Apply for special conditions at written exams

  • Attacht documentation in Danish or (translated into) either English, Swedish or Norwegian.

Application deadlines

  • 1 November for winter exams
  • 15 April for summer exams
  • 1 July for the re-exam period in August

SPS and application for speical exam conditions

If you submit an application for SPS in our SPS enquiery portal you can check a box called ”Extra time for written exams” and ”Use your own computer etc.” (dyslexic and visually impaired students).

When you check one or both box(es) AUS will process this as an application for special exam conditions for written exams.

If you need ” Special physical facilities” or ”Other” you must use the application form, where you can elaborate your reasons.

How is you application processed

Your application will be processed in the Office for Study Programmes and Student Affairs (AUS).

The caseworkers are subject to a duty of confidentiality, and your information and the outcome of your application will be treated as confidential.

AUS makes a decision based on the application and the enclosed documentation.

When and how will you get an answer?

You will receive an answer to your application via your student email 2-3 weeks after the application deadline.

You can be granted special conditions that apply from anywhere between one semester to the rest of your studies. The decision letter will state how long you have been granted special conditions. If you need to reapply, the deadline for a new application will also be stated in the decision letter.

In your diploma, it will not be mentioned that you have had special exam arrangements. 

Remember to bring your decision letter to the exam

At the exam, you must present your decision letter on special conditions to the examination guards. You can show the letter via mobile phone or computer.

Exams at other universities

Grants of special exam conditions are only valid at DTU.

If you take courses at other universities, you must familiarize yourself with the university's rules and procedures for applying for special exam conditions. This also applies if you are enrolled in a joint programme in Denmark or abroad or if you are studying abroad.

Read more in the study rules about special examination conditions