Physical aids within the SPS scheme

If you are assigned one or more physical aids (IT equipment, lamp, reading ruler, etc.) as a form of support, the equipment will be sent to DTU Lyngby Campus, where you will need to collect it. We will write to you and schedule a time for the pickup. If you are granted a desk and/or a chair, it will, however, be sent directly to your home.

If an aid does not work

If an aid is not functioning properly, we can help you find a repairer. If the computer from your IT starter package breaks down, you must contact Atea.

Contact details for Atea

You must provide DTU’s address and EAN number to Atea:

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
Bygning 101 A
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
EAN: 5798000430938
ID: SPS-Enheden

If you have received a software package and have a private computer, you cannot send your private computer to Atea for repair.

If an aid is stolen

If an aid is stolen, you must remember to report the theft to the police and contact the Special Educational Support Office at DTU. We will then help you apply for compensation for a new one.

When you complete your study programme

If you have received any IT tools, they must be returned if you either discontinue or complete your study programme. You CANNOT return your support equipment to the Special Educational Support Office, but you will receive a letter instructing you how to return it. If you are not contacted, please contact the Special Educational Support Office.