How to apply for special educational support, SPS

The SPS unit at DTU recommends you for SPS. The SPS unit can also guide you on your options.

As soon as you have been admitted to DTU and have accepted your offer of admission, your are eligible to receive SPS.

DTU’s SPS enquiry portal

To apply for SPS at DTU, you must register with DTU’s SPS enquiry portal. 

For new students: Upon admission to DTU, it is possible to create an application on the inquiry portal as soon as you have received your student number at DTU. Your login to the SPS inquiry portal is your student number. New students order a password via UnistartDTU.

How to apply for SPS: By creating an application in the SPS enquiry portal, the process of applying for SPS can be as quick and smooth as possible.

When you create an application in the inquiry portal, you must do the following:

  1. Very briefly describe your challenges and support needs.
  2. Upload documentation of your functional impairment. If you have received SPS on a previous education, you will probably not need to upload your documentation again. As a general rule, you will only need to submit new documentation if you are new to the SPS scheme or if there have been changes in your situation.
  3. Once we have received your application for SPS on the SPS inquiry portal, we will send you an email confirming your application. You will then receive a message from Styrelsen for Undervisning og Kvalitet (STUK) in e-Boks/digital mail, where you must consent to apply for SPS. You must give your consent as soon as possible because STUK will only process your application after you have given your consent. If consent is not given within 30 days, the application will be annulled at STUK. The agency currently has a case processing time of approximately eight weeks. If you are unsure what to do, write or call us.
  4. Once STUK has processed your application, you will receive a notification in your e-Boks/digital mail. The Special Educational Support Office at DTU then initiates the granted support.
  5. On the SPS inquiry portal, you can apply for special examination conditions at DTU. DTU determines applications for special examination conditions. For example, you can apply for extra time for the written exam by ticking the box "Extra time for the written exam".

Mail, phone and SPS intro day

If you prefer a different approach than the SPS enquiry portal, you are also welcome to contact us by email or telephone. You can do this from the day you are admitted to DTU.

The Special Educational Support Office holds an introduction day/course in connection with the study start. You can read more about this on under "New at DTU.

Do you have questions or need a meeting?

You are always welcome to contact us either by telephone, email, or we can schedule a personal meeting.

Do you need to grant a power of attorney?

If you want another person to be able to access information about your case and/or act and make decisions on your behalf, you have the option to create a power of attorney. By granting power of attorney, you give the Special Educational Support Office permission to respond if the person you have authorized contacts us directly.

All decisions and information regarding your SPS case will continue to be sent only to you - your e-Boks and/or your student email. The power of attorney does not cover sending information and decisions to the person you have authorized. Therefore, it is necessary for that person to assist and check your email and your e-Boks if needed.

The authorization is only valid at DTU and only in relation to being in dialogue with the units specified in the power of attorney. It is not valid for other authorities in the SPS context, such as the Student Counseling Service, Styrelsen for Undervisning og Kvalitet, other companies selected by the State as suppliers. You/they must submit a power of attorney to these operators. 

SPS for DTU Admission Course

Please note that DTU Admission Course has its own SPS supervisor who provides guidance on SPS for upper secondary education.

See the contact information for DTU Admission Course (in Danish)