Course registration and withdrawal

In order to attend classes, submit assignments and take exams, you must be registered for a course in the Study Planner. It is your responsibility to ensure that your course registration is correct and completed within the applicable registration and withdrawal deadlines. Read about how to register and withdraw from courses here.

How to register for courses

You register for courses via your Study Planner Study Planner (see guide for the Study Planner)

As new BEng and BSc student you are automatically registered for courses in the first teaching period (13-week period) in the first semester of your study programme. After that you must register for all other courses in the Study Planner.

Remember that you must complete your entire study plan to register for courses.
You can always make changes later on.

Registration period and deadlines

You register for one semester at a time. For each 13-week period and each 3-week period, there is a registration period and a post-registration period.  .


How to sign up for special courses, final projects and internship

You cannot register for final projects, internships, or special courses yourself. Your supervisor or internship supervisor register the activity in the Project Reporting System. Once the registration is approved you will receive an email in your study email. Once a project is finally approved, it will appear in the Study Planner as an exam registration during the exam period and not as a course registration during the teaching period.
Read more in the Study Planner guide


How to register for courses under the transitional procedure for the master's programme

Do you want to register for courses during your transition from your BEng or BSc programme to your MSc programme?
See study rules on transitional semester and early start of studies


Course registration for joint programmes in Denmark

Be aware that special rules and deadlines may apply for registration for and withdrawal from teaching and examinations for the courses that do not take place at DTU
Registration and deregistration for courses on DTU's joint programmes in Denmark


Course registration for single course and guest students

See how and when to register for courses and exams if you are:

How to withdraw from courses

To withdraw from courses, you must use the Study Planner (see Study Planner guide)

Remember to withdraw within the withdrawal deadline

Remember that you must complete your entire study plan to withdraw from courses.

Suppose it is no longer possible to withdraw from courses. In that case, you can check whether you can withdraw from the exam within the exam registration and withdrawal deadlines.

Read more about withdrawing from the exam

Withdrawal from an exam also counts as course withdrawal.

Binding courses

If you do not withdraw from a course or exam within the withdrawal period, the course is binding. This means that you must pass the course to complete your programme. 

Read more about binding courses