Student Counselling Service
The Student Counselling Service offers free psychological aid to students who are attending long, and higher educations. The sessions are a therapeutic based offer aimed at students who feel challenged in their student life, who are at risk of ex-matriculation or extending their studies.
We help students deal with challenges in student life such as stress, exam and performance anxiety, challenges in group work, loneliness, procrastination and perfectionism, etc.
Counsellors from The Student Counselling Service have opening hours at DTU Mondays and Fridays in both Ballerup and Lyngby. Book an appointment or read more about our offer on our website:
If you have any questions or feel the need to speak to a counsellor before booking a personal meeting, you are welcome to stop by our drop-in offer, where counsellors from the Student Counseling Service are ready to help you. This takes place on Monday in “odd weeks” (Google Danish week numbers) from 2 p.m.-3 p.m. in the International Student Services Office in building 101A on the Lyngby Campus.
The Student Counselling Service is an independent institution not affiliated with DTU or Polyteknisk Forening. You can remain anonymous, and all counsellors have a duty of confidence.