If you have a physical disability

There is a significant difference in the challenges faced by individuals with physical disability, and therefore, suitable solutions for student life can often vary.

As a student with a physical disability, you can, for example, receive the following support:

  • Ergonomic aids
    They can help to relieve the body and vary study positions. It can, e.g., be an ergonomic chair, an ergonomic desk, a mouse, a keyboard, a bookstand, or a height-adjustable desk.
  • Digital aids
    It could be a voice recorder/Dictus for notetaking. It can transfer audio files to a computer. It could also be an IT starter kit - for students with motor difficulties in arms and hands.
  • Practical assistance and secretarial help
    Practical assistance could involve a personal assistant to, for example, help you navigate around the educational institution, retrieve books from your bag, eat, and use the restroom. Secretarial assistance could include help with notetaking, major assignments, exam registration, copying, information retrieval at libraries, etc. The support needs to be reapplied for each semester.

All IT aids are on loan and must be returned if you either discontinue or complete your education.

NOTE: Transportation to and from the study cannot be allocated through special educational support.

Accessibility at DTU

For all students, it is crucial to be able to get around campus. At DTU, we ensure that new construction meets all requirements for physical accessibility for people with disabilities.

Furthermore, we ensure accessibility in existing physical spaces – including optimizing their layout, maintenance, and utilization.

If you have a physical disability that requires special accessibility needs where you move around, you can contact the Special Educational Support Office (aus-sps@adm.dtu.dk) or Campus Service (cas-service@adm.dtu.dk) at DTU - and together we will find the best possible solution.