If you have dyslexia

Dyslexia is a permanent disability that makes it difficult to handle written language and/or reading, and therefore dyslexia can affect your study activity.

If you have dyslexia, you might, for example, experience difficulties in terms of:

  • reading and spelling in a slow, imprecise manner  
  • problems learning and remembering new words and names, such as technical terms or foreign languages   
  • having very different written and oral formulation skills
  • problems summarizing the key points of a text
  • misunderstanding information or text
  • focusing too much or too little on details
  • problems remembering sentences while writing them down
  • problems keeping sentences in your head while writing them down
  • formulating complicated contexts in writing
  • problems planning time and tasks, and avoiding or postponing tasks related to reading and writing.

As a student with dyslexia, you may, for instance, receive the following special educational support:

  • Programme package: Intowords. Introwords kan be installed on up to five devices. You can also transfer your programme package from your previous education if the license is still active.
  • Digital study materials (NOTA)
  • Study support hours with a reading advisor covering reading and writing strategies, study techniques, structure, and planning, for example during exam periods.
  • Other IT equipment/software: There is an option to apply for Finereader, a dictaphone, flatbed scanner, Dictus, etc.
  • Dyslexia test - if you suspect having dyslexia

All IT aids are on loan and must be returned if you either discontinue or complete your education.